Sindrome di Down: valutazione delle alterazioni motorie
published in May - June 2004 - in Il Fisioterapista - issue n.3

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  2. Parker AW, Bronks R. Gait of children with Down’s syndrome. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1980; 61(8): 345-51.

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  11. Braghiroli M. Analisi della camminata in soggetti affetti da sindrome di Down con e senza piede piatto. Politecnico di Milano, a.a. 2001-2002.

  12. Bennet G, Rang M, Roye DP, Arpin H. Dislocation of the hip in trisomy 21. Bone Joint Surg 1982; 64B: 289.

  13. Livingstone B, Hirst P. Orthopedic disorders in school children with Down’s syndrome with special reference to the incidence of joint laxity. Clin Orthop 1986; 207: 74-6.

Ulteriori approfondimenti bibliografici

  • Haley SM. Postural reactions in infants with Down syndrome. Phys Ther 1986; 66(1): 17-22.

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