
Scoliosis: acute effects of two biofeedback systems on the execution
of the self-correction movements

published in July - August 2018 - in Il Fisioterapista - issue n.4
Sara Ottobrini, Luisella Pedrotti, Matteo Vandoni, Antonella Mastretti, Luca Marin

Data in the literature show that the use of biofeedback systems in osteoarticular and muscular pathologies is a useful support to traditional therapy/re-education. It can, in fact, help patients better understand exactly what gestures they have to perform during the exercise and to make them aware if they are performing them correctly or not. The treatment of scoliosis can also benefit from biofeedback systems. People with scoliosis who undergo conservative treatment with specific exercises need to learn and to automate the self-correction mo- vements which are customized according to the characteristics of their scoliotic curve. Biofeedback systems can help people with scoliosis by facilitating self-perception. This study aims to investigate the efficacy of two different biofeedback systems in favoring the correct execution of self-correction movements in scoliotic patients in the developmental age.