Elettroterapia integrata alla terapia manuale
published in September - October 2003 - in Il Fisioterapista - issue n.5

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  1. Janiszewski M, Chylinski M . Ocena skutecznosci elektroanalgezji metoda "Stiwell" w rehabilitacji pacjentów z zespolami bólowymi odcinka ledzwiowego kregoslupa (An evaluation o f the effectiveness of electroanalgesia using the "Stiwell" method in the rehabilitation of patients with lumbar back pain syndrome). Fizjoterapia Polska 2001; 1(2): 127-30.

  2. Mulligan BR. Manual Therapy “Nags”, “Snags”, “PRP”, etc. Wellington: Plane View Service; 1999.

  3. O’Brien T, Vicenzino B. A study of the effect of Mulligan’s mobilisation with movement treatment of lateral ankle pain using case study design. Man Ther 1998; 3(2): 78-84.

  4. Kavanagh J. Is there a positional fault at the inferior tibiofibular joint in patients with acute or cronic sprains compared to normals? Man Ther 1999; 4(1): 19-24.

  5. Mulligan BR. Manual Therapy “Nags”, “Snags”, “PRP”, etc. Wellington: Plane View Service; 1999.

  6. Cascianelli P. Bilanciamento delle tensioni legamentose. Roma: Marrapese; 2002.

  7. Cascianelli P. Bilanciamento delle tensioni legamentose. Roma: Marrapese; 2002.

  8. Guidetti G, Marchioni D. Vestibolo e sport. Bologna: Martina; 2002.

  9. Bourdiol RJ. Cefaleemicranie. Treviso: Gemme Italia; 2000.

  10. Bricot B. La riprogrammazione posturale globale. Marsiglia: Statipro; 1998.

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