Biomedical Statistics & Clinical Epidemiology
Linee guida
published in September - October 2013 - in Il Fisioterapista - issue n.5

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  1. Field MJ, Lohr KN (eds). Clinical practice guidelines: directions for a new program. Washington (DC): Institute of Medicine, National Academy Press, 1990.

  2. Sackett DL, Rosenberg WC, Muir Gray JA et al. Evidence-based Medicine: what it is and what it isn’t’. BMJ 1996; 312: 71–2.

  3. Clover K et al. Project 5: the development of consensus guidelines, Hunter Access to Surgery Research Project, Hunter Area Health Service, May 1995.

  4. AHMAC. Health outcomes seminar: AHMAC Sunshine statement. Communique, February 1993 (unpublished).

  5. Freemantle N, Harvey E, Grimshaw JM et al. The effectiveness of printed educational materials in changing the behavior of health care professionals. In: Cochrane Collaboration. Cochrane Library. Issue 3. Oxford: Update Software, 1996.

  6. Lomas J. Teaching old (and not so old) docs new tricks: effective ways to implement research findings. In: Dunn EV, Norton PG, Stewart M, Tudiver F, Bass MJ, eds. Disseminating research/changing practice. Research methods for primary care. Vol 6. Thousand Oaks (CA): Sage, 1994.

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