ISS e riabilitazione motoria: possibili sinergie
published in November - December 2000 - in Il Fisioterapista - issue n.6

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9) Macellari V., Giacomozzi C., Saggini R.: Spatial-temporal parameters of gait: reference data and a statistical method for normality assessment . Gait & Posture, 10: 171-81, 1999.

10) Gazzani F., Bernardi M., Macaluso A., Coratella D., Ditunno Jr J.F., Castellano V., Torre M., Macellari V., Marchetti M.: Ambulation training of neurological patients on the treadmill with a new Walking Assistance and Rehabilitation Device (WARD) . Spinal Cord, 37: 336-44, 1999.

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Letture consigliate

Giacomozzi C., Macellari V . : Piezo-dynamometric platform for a more complete analysis of foot-to-floor interaction . IEEE Trans Rehab Engr, 5 (4): 322-30, 1997.

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