Musicoterapia & malattie cardiovascolari
published in November - December 2006 - in Il Fisioterapista - issue n.6

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  1. Bruscia KE. Definire la musicoterapia. Percorso epistemologico di una disciplina e di una professione. Gli archetti Roma: ISMEZ, 1993: 110-1.

  2. Rafanelli C et al. Stressful life events, depression and demoralization as risk factors for acute coronary heart disease. Psychotherapy and psychosomatics 2005; 74: 179-84.

  3. McCaffrey R, Taylor N. Effective anxiety treatment prior to diagnostic cardiac catheterization. Holist nurs pract 2005; 19(2): 70-3.

  4. Metzger LK. Assessment of use of music by patients partecipating in cardiac rehabilitation. J Music Ther 2004; 41(1): 55-69.

  5. Macnay SK. The influence of preferred music on the perceived exertion, mood and time estimation scores of patients participating in a cardiac rehabilitation exercise program. Mus Ther Perspect 1995; 13: 91-6.

  6. White JM. Effects of relaxing music on cardiac autonomic balance and anxiety after acute myocardial infarction. Am J Crit Care 1999; 8(4): 220-30.

  7. White JM. Music therapy: an intervention to reduce anxiety in the myocardial infarction patient.Clin Nurse Spec 1992; 6(2): 58-63.

  8. Guzzetta CE. Effects of relaxion and music therapy on patients in a coronary care unit with presumptive acute myocardial infarction. Heart Lung 1989 Nov; 18(6): 609-16.

  9. Cadigan ME, Caruso NA, Haldeman SM et al. The effects of music on cardiac patinets on bed rest. Prog cardiovasc Nurs 2001; 16: 5-13.

  10. Zimmerman LM, Pierson MA, Marker J. Effects of music on patient anxiety in coronary care units. Hearth Lung 1998; 17: 560-6.

  11. Bolwerk CL. Effect of relaxing music on state anxiety in the myocardial infarction patient Cri Care Nurs Q 1990; 13: 63-72.

  12. Broscious SK. Music an intervention for pain during chest tube removal after oper hearth surgery.Am J Crit Care 1999; 8: 410-5.

  13. Orwin R. A non-pharmacological approach to angina. Prof Nurse 1998 Jun; 13(9): 583-6.

  14. Zimmerman L, Neiven J, Barnason S et al. The effect of music interventions on postoperative pain and sleep in coronary artery bypass graft(CABG)patients. Scol Inq Nurs Prac 1996; 10: 153-69.

  15. Barnason S, Neiveen J, Zimmermann L. The effects of music intervention on anxiety in the patient after coronary artery bypass grafting. Heart Lung1995; 24: 124-32.

  16. Byers JF, Smyth KA. Effect of music intervention on sleep after coronary bypass graft surgery. Am J Crit Care 1992; 1: 91-7.

  17. Tusek DL, Cwynar R, Cosgrove DM. Effect of guided imager on length of stay, anxiety and pain in cardiac surgery patients. J Cardiovas Manag 1999; 20: 22-8.

Ulteriori approfondimenti

  • Davidson KW, Rieckmann N, Lesperance F. Psycological theories of depression: potential application for the prevention of acute coronary syndrome recurrance. Psychosomatic Medicine 2004; 66: 165-73.

  • Fresure Smith et al. Depression following myocardial infarction. JAMA 1993; 20: 270 n15.

  • Rumsfed JS, Magid DJ et al. History of depression, angina and quality of life after acute coronary syndromes. American Heart Journal 2003; 145: 493-9.

  • Steele A, Wade TD. The contribution of optimism and quality of life to depression in an acute coronary syndrome population. Europ Journ of Cardiov Nursing 2004; 3: 231-7.

  • Sorensen C, Brades A et al. Psycosocial predictors of depression in patients with acute coronary syndrome. ACTA Psychiatr Scand 2005; 111: 116.

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