Outpatient cardiological rehabilitation: the experience of Trieste
published in November - December 2018 - in Il Fisioterapista - issue n.6
Nicola Galiazzo, Silvana De Poli

This article analyzes the outpatient cardiac rehabilitation model of the Cardiovascular Department of Trieste and the patients’ clinical outcomes. The facilities and material available to the patient during the rehabilitation process are described, as well as the procedures and protocols that characterize the various multidisciplinary activities carried out by the rehabilitation service. The study highlights the effectiveness and the feasibility of the cardiac rehabilitation program in Trieste; the quality of the therapeutic intervention undergoes a continuous critical review, integrating established skills and experiences with the new guideline indications of the European Society of Cardiology and the Italian Group of Rehabilitative and Preventive Cardiology, and drawing on the multidisciplinary synergy of the various professional figures involved in the program itself.