Knee: outcomes of bicompartmental replacement
published in November - December 2019 - in Il Fisioterapista - issue n.6
Alice Tiberi

With the rising incidence of knee osteoarthritis, the demand for bicompartmental knee arthroplasty (partial knee replacement) is expected to more than double in the coming years. This increased utilization is driven by an aging population which nevertheless desires to remain active. Patients measure the success of the intervention not only by the relative reduction in pain, but also by other outcome measures, including the return to sport or work. The widespread acknowledgement that some people will suffer from chronic postsurgical pain after this curative treatment dates largely from the introduction of patient-reported outcome measures. The goals of a rapid recovery home-centered care program following knee replacement include reduced postoperative pain and early functional recovery. The predisposition to chronic pain is multifactorial and includes the severity of the postoperative pain, pre-existing pain and psychological factors such as catastrophizing and hypervigilance to pain. Understanding the multifactorial decision-making process of patients and their motivation for surgery plays a central role in patient-centered care: a detailed assessment of the pain and functional capacity, before questioning the patient about their expectations regarding the intervention, are of utmost importance to satisfy patients.