Home Fascicolo n.1/2019 Bibliografia


Radicolopatia lombare da ernia del disco sintomatica:
trattamento conservativo

pubblicato nel Gennaio - Febbraio 2019 ne Il Fisioterapista - fascicolo n.1



  1. Iversen T, Solberg TK, Romner B, et al. Accuracy of physical examination for chronic lumbar radiculopathy. BMC musculoskeletal disorders 2013; 14: 206.
  2. Bogduk N. On the definition and physiology of back pain, referred pain, and radicular pain. Pain 2009; 147(1-3): 17-9.
  3. Finnerup NB, Haroutounian S, Kamerman P, et al. Neuropathic pain: an updated grading system for research and clinical practice. Pain 2016; 157(8): 1599-606.
  4. Murphy DR, Hurwitz EL, Gerrard JK, Clary R. Pain patterns and descriptions in patients with radicular pain: Does the pain necessarily follow a specific dermatome. Chiropr Osteopat 2009; 17: 9.
  5. Taylor CS, Coxon AJ, Watson PC, Greenough CG. Do L5 and S1 nerve root compressions produce radicular pain in a dermatomal pattern? Spine 2013; 38(12): 995-8.
  6. Furman MB, Johnson SC. Induced lumbosacral radicular symptom referral patterns: a descriptive study. Spine J 2019; 19(1): 163-70.
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  8. Kennedy DJ, Noh MY. The role of core stabilization in lumbosacral radiculopathy. Phys Med Rehabil Clin N Am 2011; 22(1): 91-103.
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  10. Stochkendah M J, Kjaer P, Hartvigsen J, et al. National Clinical Guidelines for non-surgical treatment of patients with recent onset low back pain or lumbar radiculopathy. Eur Spine J 2018; 27: 60-75
  11. Benson RT, Tavares SP, Robertson SC, Sharp R, Marshall RW. Conservatively treated massive prolapsed discs: a 7-year follow-up. Ann R Coll Surg Engl 2010; 92(2): 147-53.
  12. Karran EL, Medalian Y, Hillier SL, Moseley, GL. The impact of choosing words carefully: an online investigation into imaging reporting strategies and best practice care for low back pain. Peer J 2017; 5, e4151.
  13. Darlow B, Forster BB, O’Sullivan K, O’Sullivan P. It is time to stop causing harm with inappropriate imaging for low back pain. Br J Sports Med 2017; 51(5): 414-5.
  14. Webster BS, Bauer AZ, Choi Y, Cifuentes M, Pransky GS. Iatrogenic consequences of early magnetic resonance imaging in acute, work-related, disabling low back pain. Spine 2013; 38(22): 1939-46.
  15. Chiu CC, Chuang TY, Chang KH, et al. The probability of spontaneous regression of lumbar herniated disc: A systematic review. Clinical Rehabilitation 2015; 29(2): 184-95.
  16. Albert HB, Manniche C. The efficacy of systematic active conservative treatment for patients with severe sciatica” a single-blind, randomized, clinical, controlled trial. Spine 2012 37(7): 531-42.