Home Fascicolo n.2/2007 Bibliografia
Riabilitazione deambulatoria al nastro trasportatore
pubblicato nel Marzo - Aprile 2007 ne Il Fisioterapista - fascicolo n.2


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  21. Bernardi M, Canale I, Felici F, Macaluso A, Marchettoni P, Sproviero E. Ergonomy of of paraplegic patients working with a reciprocating gait orthosis Paraplegia 1995 33, 458-63.

  22. Pollock A, Baer G, Pomeroy V, Langhorne P. Physiotherapy treatment approches for the recovery of postural control and lower limb function following a stroke (Cochrane Methodology Review) Cochrane Library 2003; Issue 4; Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons.

  23. Gazzani F, Bernardi M, Macaluso A et al. Ambulation training of neurological patients on the treadmill with a new Walking Assistence and Rehabilitation Device (WARD). Spinal Cord 1999 May; 37(5): 336-44.

  24. Bautz-Holtert E, Sveen U, Rygh J, Rodgers H, Willer TB. Early supported discharge of patients with acute stroke: a randomized controlled trial Disab Riabil 2002; 24: 348-55.

  25. Cochrane Data base Wilson MS, Qureshy H, Protas EJ, Holmes SA, Krouskop TA, Sherwood AM. Equipment specification for supported treadmill ambulation training. J Rehabil Research Dev 2000; 81: 953-7.

  26. Werner C, Von Frankenberg S, Treig T, Konrad M, Hesse S. Training treadmill with partial body weight support and electro-mechanical gait trainer for restoration of gait in subacute stroke patients: a randomized crossover sudy. Stroke 2002; 33: 2895-901.

  27. Hesse S, Werner C. Paul T, Bardeleben A, Charler J. Influence of walking speed on lower limb muscle activity and energy consumption during treadmill walking of hemiparetic patients. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2001; 82:1547-50.

  28. Kelly JO, Kilbreath SL, Davis GM, Zeman B, Raymond J. Cardiorespiratory fitness and walking ability in subacute stroke patients. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2003 Dec; 84(12): 1780-5.

  29. Hsu AL, Tang PF, Jan MH. Analysis of impairments inluencing gait velocity and asymmetry of hemiplegic patients after mild to moderate stroke. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2003 Aug; 84: 1185-93.

  30. Laufer Y, Dickstein R, Chefez Y, Marcovitz E. The effect of treadmill on the ambulation of stroke survivors in the early stages of rehabilitazion: a randomized study. J Rehabil Res Dev 2001 Jan-Feb; 38(1): 69-78.

  31. Trueblood PR. Partial body weight treadmill training in persons with chronic stroke. NeuroRehabiloitation 2001; 16(3): 141-53.

  32. Moseley AM, Stark A, Cameron ID, Pollock A. Treadmill training and body weight support for walking after stroke. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2003; (3): CD002840.

Ulteriori approfondimenti

  • Franceschini M, Maffucci M, Ferrari L, Agosti M, Paroli C. Energy cost and gait assessment for hemiplegic walking: effect of an ankle-foot orthesis. Eur Med Phys 2002; 38: 57-64.

  • Hsu AL, Tang PF, Jan MH: Analysis of impairments influencing gait velocity and asymmetry of Hemiplegic patients after mild to moderate stroke. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2003Aug; 84(8): 1185-93.