Home Fascicolo n.2/2018 Bibliografia
Le complicanze in seguito a lesione muscolare
pubblicato nel Marzo - Aprile 2018 ne Il Fisioterapista - fascicolo n.2


  1. Bisciotti GN, Volpi P, Chamari, et al. Italian Consensus Conference on guidelines for conservative treatment on lower limb muscle injuries in athlete. BMJ Open Sport  Exercise Medicine, 2018. In press.
  2. Smith TO, Hunt NJ, Wood SJ. The physiotherapy management of muscle haematomas. Physical Therapy in Sport. 2006; 7 (4): 201-09.
  3. Maffulli N, Oliva F, Frizziero A, et al. ISMuLT Guidelines for muscle injuries. Muscles Ligaments Tendons J 2014; 3(4): 241-9
  4. Mueller-Wohlfart H, Ueblacker P, Binder A, Hänsen L. Terminology, classification, patient history and clinical examination. In: Mueller-Wohlfart H, Ueblacker P, Garrett WE (Eds). Muscle injuries in sport. New York: Thieme Editions, 2013.
  5. Beiner JM, Jokl P. Muscle contusion injury and myositis ossificans traumatica. Clin Orthop Relat Res 2002; (403 Suppl): S110-9.
  6. Peck RJ, Metreweli C. Early myositis ossificans: a new echographic sign. Clin Radiol. 1988; 39(6): 586-8.
  7. Campbell RSD, Wood J. Ultrasound of muscle. Imaging 2002; 14: 229-40.
  8. King JB. Post-traumatic ectopic calcification in the muscle of athletes: a review. Br J Sports Med 1998; 32(4): 287-90.
  9. Buselli P, Coco V, Notarnicola A, et al. Shock waves in the treatment of post-traumatic myositis ossificans. Ultrasound Med Biol 2010; 36(3): 397-409.
  10. Torrance DA, Degraauw C. Treatment of post-traumatic myositis ossificans of the anterior thigh with extracorporeal shock wave therapy. J Can Chiropr Assoc 2011; 55(4): 240-6.
  11. Hänsel L, Ueblacker P, Betthäuser A. Ultrasonography. In: Mueller-Wohlfart H, Ueblacker P, Garrett WE (Eds). Muscle ijuries in sport. New York: Thieme Editions, 2013.
  12. Speed C. A systematic review of shockwave therapies in soft tissue conditions: focusing on the evidence. Br J Sports Med 2014; 48(21): 1538-42.
  13. Baoge L, Van Den Steen E, Rimbaut S, et al . Treatment of skeletal muscle injury: a review. ISRN Orthop 2012; 2012: 689012.
  14. Akpulat U, Onbaşılar İ, Kocaefe YÇ. Tenotomy immobilization as a model to investigate skeletal muscle fibrosis (with emphasis on Secreted frizzled-related protein 2). Physiol Genomics; 48(6): 397-408.
  15. Böck J, Mundinger P, Luttke G. Magnetic resonance imaging. In: Mueller-Wohlfart H, Ueblacker P, Garrett WE (Eds). Muscle ijuries in sport. New York: Thieme Editions, 2013.
  16. Bisciotti GN. I tendini: biologia, patologia, aspetti clinici - Vol. I - Anatomia ed aspetti generali. Perugia: Calzetti e Mariucci (Ed), 2013.
  17. Fuchs B, Weishaupt D, Zanetti M, Hodler J, Gerber C. Fatty degeneration of the muscles of the rotator cuff: assessment by computed tomography versus magnetic resonance imaging. J Shoulder Elbow Surg 1999; 8(6): 599-605.
  18. Goutallier D, Bernageau J, Patte D. Assessment of the trophicity of the muscles of the ruptured rotator cuff by CT scan. In: Post M, Morrey Bf, Hawkins RJ (eds). Surgery of the shoulder. St. Louis, MO: Mosby; 1990; p. 11-3.
  19. Bisciotti GN, Eirale C, Esposito G M. La degenerazione adiposa nel quadro delle rotture a tutto spessore della cuffia dei rotatori: l’importanza dell’indagine RM. Medicina dello Sport 2014; 67(2): 175-84.