Home Fascicolo n.4/1997 Bibliografia
Riabilitare la memoria
pubblicato nel Luglio - Agosto 1997 ne Il Fisioterapista - fascicolo n.4


Atkinson R.C., Schiffrin R.M., Human memory: a proposed system and its control processes. In: Spence K.W. Spence P. (eds), The psychology of learning and motivation. Academic Press, New York, 1968.

Israël L., I problemi cognitivi in gerontologia: considerazioni sulla riabilitazione della memoria. Fondazione Pro Juventute Don Carlo Gnocchi, Congresso internazionale: La riabilitazione oltre il Duemila, abstracts, 46, 1996.

Israël L., La riabilitazione cognitiva dell’anziano: problemi e prospettive. Fondazione Pro Juventute Don Carlo Gnocchi, Congresso internazionale: La riabilitazione oltre il Duemila, abstracts, 46, 1996.

Israël L., Means of prevention of mental disability in the elderly through memory stimulation. In: Preventing disability in the elderly . Report on a who working group , Copenhagen: World Health Organization, Regional Office for Europe, euro Reports and Studies, 1982.

Israël L., Memory and mental stimulation: assessment in clinical trials. In: Brainerd C.J., Reyna V.F. (eds), Developmental Psychology . Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam, 9-17, 1985.

Israël L., Memory training programs as a reference to the clinical evaluation of drugs in memory disorders . Arch Gerontol Geriart, Suppl. 1: 223-230, 1989.

Israël L., Nootropyl et l’entrainement de la mémoire dans les troubles mnésiques liés à l’âge en médecine praticienne . In: Nootropyl et troubles cérébrovasculaires. Nouveaux aspects pharmacologiques et cliniques , Actualités Therapeutiques, 14-18, 1990.

Israël L., Preventive intervention methods in gerontology: assessment, concepts and strategies. In: Lesnoff-Caravaglia G. (ed), Realistic expectations for long life . Human Sciences Press, New York, 157-168, 1987.

Israël L., Vingt ans d’expérience de stimulation cognitive. In: Michel B.F., de Routrou J., Verdureau F. (eds), La stimulation cognitive , Solal, Marseille, 13-24, 1996.

Israël L., de Rotrou J., Chappaz M., Une thérapeutique non médicamenteuse nouvelle: la stimulation de la mémoire chez les personnes âgées. La Revue de Gériatrie, 7, 8: 387-390, 1982.

Israël L., De Vrees L., Allenare la propria memoria. Manuale per gli istruttori, Scuola di Geriatria, Università di Modena, 1990.

Israël L., Dell’Accio E., Hugonot R., Action combinée du Praxilène et d’exercices d’entraînement mental sur les troubles de la mémoire des personnes âgées. Psychologie Médicale 21, 8: 1219-1234, 1987.

Israël L., Dell’Accio E., Martin G., Hugonot R., Extrait de Ginko Biloba et exercises d’entraînement de la mémoire. Evaluation comparative chez des personnes âgées ambulatoires. Psychologie Médicale 19, 8: 1431-1439, 1987.

Israël L., Kozarevic D.J., Orgogozo J.M., Subjective and objective health in aging: problems of assessment. In: Govoni S., Battaini F. (eds), Modification of cell to cell signals during normal and pathological aging . Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 261-285, 1987.

Israël L., Melac M., Milinkevitch D., Dubos G., Drug therapy and Memory Training programs: a double-blind randomized trial of general practice with patients in Age Associated Memory Impairment (aami). International Psychogeriatrics, 6, 2: 155,170, 1994.

Neyroud I., Israël L., Raymond L., Jeanneret O., Simeone I., Plan d’une évaluation randomisée de l’entrnement de la mémoire chez les personnes agées. Médecine sociale et préventive, 32: 193-195, 1987.

Neyroud I., Israël L., Raymond L., Simeone I., Jeanneret O., Randomized trial of Memory Training in the over-60s. The Lancet, 23: 132, 1988.