Home Fascicolo n.4/2019 Bibliografia
Gestione del dolore cronico muscoloscheletrico & realtà virtuale
pubblicato nel Luglio - Agosto 2019 ne Il Fisioterapista - fascicolo n.4


  1. Melzack R. Evolution of the neuromatrix theory of pain. Pain Pract 2005; 5: 85-94.
  2. Larsen L, Schou L, Lund H, Langberg HT. The physical effect of exergames in healthy elderly-a systematic review. Games Health J 2013; 2: 205-12.
  3. Lieberman D, Chamberlin B, Medina EJ, et al. The power of play: Innovations in Getting Active Summit 2011: a science panel proceedings report from the American Heart Association. Circulation 2011; 123(21): 2507-16.
  4. Jeon B, Sungkun Cho B, Lee JH. Application of virtual body swapping to patients with complex regional pain syndrome: a pilot study. Cyberpsychol Behav Soc Netw 2014; 17(6): 366-70.
  5. Pekyavas, NO, Ergun N. Comparison of virtual reality exergaming and home exercise programs in patients with subacromial impingement syndrome and scapular dyskinesis: short term effect. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc 2017; 51(3): 238-42.
  6. Thomas JS, France CR, Applegate ME, Leitkam ST, Walkowsky S. Feasibility and safety of a virtual reality dodgeball intervention for chronic low back pain: a randomized clinical trial. J Pain 2016; 17: 1302-17.
  7. Kim SS, Min WK, Kim JH, Lee BH. The effect of VR-based Wii-Fit yoga physical function in middle-aged female LBP patients. J Phys Ther Sci 2014; 26(4): 549-52.
  8. Collado-Mateo D, Dominguez-Muñoz FJ, Adsuar JC, Merellano-Navarro E, Gusi N. Exergames for women with fibromyalgia: a randomised controlled trial to evaluate the effects on mobility skills, balance and fear of falling. PeerJ 2017; 5: e3211.
  9. Karahan AY, Tok F, Yildirim P, et al. The effectiveness of exergames in patients with ankylosing spondylitis: a randomized controlled trial. Adv Clin Exp Med 2016; 25: 931-6.
  10. Cimmino MA, Ferrone C, Cutolo M. Epidemiology of chronic musculoskeletal pain. Best Practice & Clinical Rheumetology 2011; 25(2): 173-83.
  11. Blyth FM, March LM, Brnabic AJ, et al. Chronic pain in Australia: a prevalence study. Pain 2001; 89: 127-34.
  12. EFIC. EFIC’s declaration on pain as a major health problem, a disease in its own right. Ultimo accesso 2-08-2017:
  13. Breivik H, Collet B, Ventafridda V, Cohen R, Gallacher D. Survey of chronic pain in Europe: prevalence, impact on daily life, and treatment. Eur J Pain 2006; 10: 287-333.
  14. Amarins J, Wijma P, et al. Clinical biopsychosocial physiotherapy assessment of patients with chronic pain: The first step in pain neuroscience education. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice An International Journal of Physical Therapy 2016; 33: 368-84.
  15. Macedo L, Latimer J, Maher C, et al. (). Effect of motor control exercises versus graded activity in patients with chronic nonspecific low back pain: a randomized controlled trial. Physical therapy 2012; 92: 363-77.
  16. Unsgaard-Tondel M, Fladmark A, Salvesen O, Vasseljen O. Motor control exercises, sling exercises, and general exercises for patients with chronic low back pain: a randomized controlled trial with 1-year follow-up. Physical therapy 2010; 90: 1426-40.
  17. Falla, D, O’Leary S, Farina D, Jull G. The change in deep cervical flexor activity after training is associated with the degree of pain reduction in patients with chronic neck pain. The Clinical journal of pain 2012; 28: 628-34.
  18. Nijs, J., Meeus M., Cagnie B., & al, A modern neuroscience approach to chronic spinal pain: combining neuroscience education with cognition-targeted motor control training. Phys Ther 2014; 94: 730-8.
  19. O’Huiginn B, Smyth B, Coughlan G, Fitzgerald D, Caulfield B. Therapeutic exergaming. Wearable and implantable body sensor networks, Sixth International Worckshop on. 2009Pp. 272-277. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers [online].