Home Fascicolo n.5/2010 Bibliografia
“Paziente respiratorio complesso”: tecniche di disostruzione bronchiale
pubblicato nel Settembre - Ottobre 2010 ne Il Fisioterapista - fascicolo n.5


  1. Hess DR. Airway clearance: physiology, pharmacology, techniques, and practice. Respir Care 2007; 52(10): 1392-6.

  2. Ries AL. Pulmonary rehabilitation: summary of an evidence-based guideline. Respir Care 2008: 53(9): 1203-7.

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  4. Rubin BK. Designing clinical trials to evaluate mucus clearance therapy. Respir Care 2007; 52(10): 1348-58; discussion 1358-61.

  5. Van der Schans CP. Bronchial mucus transport. Respir Care 2007; 52(9): 1150-6; discussion 1156-8.

  6. Smith DJ, Gaffney EA, Blake JR. Modelling mucociliary clearance. Respir Physiol Neurobiol 2008; 163(1-3): 178-88.

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  8. Branson RD. Secretion management in the mechanically ventilated patient. Respir Care 2007; 52(10): 1328-42; discussion 1342-27.

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  14. van der Schans CP. Conventional chest physical therapy for obstructive lung disease. Respir Care 2007; 52(9): 1198-206; discussion 1206-199.

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  24. Chatburn RL. High-frequency assisted airway clearance. Respir Care 2007; 52(9): 1224-35; discussion 1235-27.

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  28. Boitano LJ. Management of airway clearance in neuromuscular disease. Respir Care 2006; 51(8): 913-22; discussion 922-14.

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  30. Haas CF, Loik PS, Gay SE. Airway clearance applications in the elderly and in patients with neurologic or neuromuscular compromise. Respir Care 2007; 52(10): 1362-81; discussion 1381.

  31. Paratz JD, Stockton KA. Ef?cacy and safety of normal saline instillation: a systematic review. Physiotherapy 2009; 95(4): 241-50.

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  34. Langer D, Hendriks E, Burtin C, Probst V, van der Schans C, Paterson W, Verhoef-de Wijk M, Straver R, Klaassen M, Troosters T, Decramer M, Ninane V, Delguste P, Muris J, Gosselink R. A clinical practice guideline for physiotherapists treating patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease based on a systematic review of available evidence. Clin Rehabil 2009; 23(5): 445-62.

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