Home Fascicolo n.6/1999 Bibliografia
Residenze Sanitarie Assistenziali
pubblicato nel Novembre - Dicembre 1999 ne Il Fisioterapista - fascicolo n.6


1) Trecate F., Sequi C., Tosi R., Pisani L.: Riabilitazione intensiva postacuta nell’anziano. Il Fisioterapista 5:11, 1997.

2) Spence D.A., Wierner J.M.: Nursing home lenght of stay patterns: results from the 1985 National Nursing Home Survey. Gerontologist 30:18, 1990.

3) Guralnik J.M., Simonsick E.M.: Physical Disability in Older Americans. Journal of Gerontology 48:3, 1993.

4) Aguer-Torres H., Fratiglioni L., Wimblad B.: Natural History of Alzheimer’s Disease and other Dementias: review of the literature in the light of the findings from the Kungsholmen Project. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 13:755, 1998.

5) Devanand D.P. et al.: The course of psychopathologic features in Mild to moderate Alzheimer Disease. Arch. Gen. Psychiatry 54:257, 1997.

6) Carpenter G.I., Philips C.D.: Continuing and rehabilitative care for elderly people: comparison of countries and settings. Age and Ageing. Vol. 26, Supplement 2, 1997.

7) Bianchetti A., Govoni S.: Il Piano Alzheimer della Regione Lombardia. Un modello per l’assistenza alle persone affette da demenza. Alzheimer Update, Vol. 5, 1:99, 1997.

8) Baiardi M., Dionisi E., Ferrari A., Martelli C., Mura S., Sequi C., Trecate F.: Progetto di vita. Vivereoggi 9:12, 1996.

9) Donaldson M.S., Marilyn J.F.: Measuring Quality of Care at the End of Life. Arch. Intern. Med. 158:121, 1998.

10) Lindesay J.: The domus Philosophy: a comparative evaluation of a new approch to residential care for demented elderly. Inter. J. Ger. Psichiatry 6:727, 1991.

11) Kane R.: Assuring Quality in Nursing Homes Care. J.A.C.S. 46:232, 1998.

12) Van Ess Coeling H., Aller J.: Quality of life: its meaning to the long term care resident. N. J. Gerntol. Nurs. 2:20, 1995.