Home Fascicolo n.1/2005 Bibliografia
Spalla dolorosa del nuotatore: ruolo dei muscoli rotatori
pubblicato nel Gennaio - Febbraio 2005 ne Il Fisioterapista - fascicolo n.1


  1. Pink MM, Tibone JE. The painful shoulder in the swimming athlete. Orthop Clin North Am 2000; 31(2): 247-61.

  2. Richardson AB, Jobe FW, Royer Collins H. The shoulder in competitive swimming. Am J Sports Med 1980; 8(3): 159-63.

  3. Koehler SM, Thorson DC. Swimmer’s shoulder: targeting treatment. The physician and sports medicine 1996; 24 (11).

  4. Rupp S, Berninger K, Hopf T. Shoulder problems in high level swimmers – Impingement, anterior instability, muscular imbalance? J Sports Med 1995; 16(8): 557-62.

  5. McMaster WC, Long SC, Caiozzo VJ. Shoulder torque changes in the swimming athlete. Am J Sports Med 1992; 20(3): 323-7.

  6. Weldon EJ, Richardson AB. Upper extremity overuse injuries in swimming. A discussion of swimmer’s shoulder. Clin Sports Med 2001; 20(3): 423-38.

  7. Andrews JR, Wilk KE. La spalla dell’atleta. 1 a ed. Roma: Antonio Delfino; 1998: 411-23.

  8. Wilson GJ, Murphy AJ, The use of isometric test of muscular function in athletic assessment. Sports Med 1996; 22(1): 18-34.

  9. Vian F. Statistica medica. 1 a ed. Padova: Summa; 1997: 81-161.

  10. Keating M, Matyas TA. The influence of subject and test design on dynamometric measurement of extremities muscles. Phys Ther 1996; 76(8): 866-89.

Ulteriori riferimenti bibliografici

  • Kapandji IA. Fisiologia articolare. Vol. 1. 1a ed. Roma: Marrapese; 1983: 14-83.

  • Kendall FP, Kendall E, Provance PG. I muscoli - funzioni e test. 4a ed. Roma: Verduci; 1994: 27-68, 69-118, 2000, Verduci editore.

  • Pink M, Perry J, Browne A, Scovazzo ML et al. The normal shoulder during freestyle swimming. An electromyographic and cinematographic analysis of twelve muscles. Am J Sports Med 1991; 19(6): 569-76.

  • Reeves T. The role of the thoracic spine & scapula in the shoulder impingement. Western Australia, Australia: Cowan University.

  • Scovazzo ML, Browne A, Pink M et al. The painful shoulder during freestyle swimming. An electromyographic cinematographic analysis of twelve muscles. Am J Sports Med 1991; 19(6): 577-82.

  • Wells KF, Luttgens K. Kinesiologia - basi scientifiche del movimento umano. 1a ed. Roma: Verduci; 1981: 336-44.