Home Fascicolo n.2/1996 Bibliografia
Fratture da stress del collo del femore nell'anziano
pubblicato nel Marzo - Aprile 1996 ne Il Fisioterapista - fascicolo n.2


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Daffner R.H., Pavlov H., Stress fractures: current concepts , Am. J.R., 159: 245-52, 1992.

Dorne H.L., Lander P.H., Spontaneous stress fractures of the femoral neck . Am. J.R., 144: 343-7, 1985.

Eastwood H.D.H., Delayed diagnosis of femoral neek fracture in the elderly . Age and Aging, 16: 378-82, 1987.

Haramati N., Staron R.B., Barax C., Feldman F., Magnetic resonance imaging of occult fractures of the proximal femur. Skeletal Radiol. 23: 19-22, 1994.

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Shon L., Zuckerman J.D., Hip pain in the elderly: evaluation and diagnosis . Geriatrics, 43(1): 48-62, 1988.

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Tountas A.A., Insufficiency stress fractures of the femoral neck in elderly women , Clin. Orthop. 292: 202-9, 1993.