Home Fascicolo n.2/2003 Bibliografia
Lombalgia: un puzzle irrisolvibile?
pubblicato nel Marzo - Aprile 2003 ne Il Fisioterapista - fascicolo n.2


  1. Nachemson AL. Orientamenti attuali nel trattamento della lombalgia. In: Linee guida nel trattamento della lombalgia. Monografia di aggiornamento GSS 1996; Vol 1: 16-48.

  2. Nachemson AL. International Aspect of Back Pain and Disability. In: Atti del convegno “Back Pain and Disability-Unraveling the puzzle”. World Congress 2000; PMRF editor 2000: 103.

  3. Nachemson AL, Jonsson E. Le mal de dos: toujours une énigme en 2001. Revue de Médecine Vertébrale 2001; 2: 4-10.

  4. Negrini S, Sibilla P, Atanasio S, eds. Lombalgia: studi a confronto. Sport&Medicina 1995; 4: 25-50.

  5. Bigos JS. The AHCPR Guidelines. In: Atti del convegno “Back Pain and Disability-Unraveling the puzzle”. World Congress 2000; PMRF editor, 2000: 67.

  6. Della Giustina D, Kilcline BA, Denny M. Back Pain: Cost-Effective Strategies For Distinguishing Beetween Benign And Life-Threatening Causes. Emergency Medicine Practice 2000; 2 (2).

  7. Deyo RA. Preventing Chronicity and Disability due to back Pain: What is the evidence? In: Atti del convegno “Back Pain and Disability-Unraveling the Puzzle”. World Congress 2000; PMRF editor, 2000: 75.

  8. Deyo RA, Weinstein JN. Low back pain. N Engl J Med 2001; 344(5): 363-70.

  9. Quittan M. Management of back pain. Disabil Rehabil 2002; 24(8): 423-34.

  10. Devillé W, Van der Windt D, Dzaferagic A, Bezemer PD, Bouter LM. The Test of Lasegue. Systematic Review of the Accuracy in Diagnosing Herniated Discs. Spine 2000; 25(9): 1140-7.

  11. Hagen KB, Hilde G, Jamtvedt G, Winnem M. Bed rest for acute low back pain and sciatica (Cochrane Review). In: The Cochrane Library 2001: 3.

  12. Van Tulder MW, Scholten RJPPM, Koes BW, Deyo RA. Non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for low back pain (Cochraine Review). In: The Cochraine Library 2001: 3. Oxford: Update Software.

  13. Koes BW, Assendelft WJ, Van der Heijden GJ, Bouter LM. Spinal Manipulation for low back pain. An update systematic review of randomized clinical trials. Spine 1996; 21(24): 2860-71.

  14. Van Tulder MW, Malmivaara A, Esmail R, Koes B. Exercise Therapy for low back pain. Spine 2000; 25(21): 2784-96.

  15. Milne S, Welch V, Brosseau L et al. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) for chronic low back pain (Cochrane Review). In: The Cochrane Library 2001: 3.

  16. Van Tulder MW, Jellema P, Van Poppel MNM, Nachemson AL, Boutler LM. Lumbar supports for prevention and treatment of low back pain (Cochrane Review). In: The Cochrane Library 2001: 3.

  17. Agenzia Sanitaria Regionale Emilia Romagna. Linee Guida Cliniche per la diagnostica e la terapia della Lombalgia Acuta e Cronica. Maggio 2000.

  18. Cherkin DC, Deyo RA, Battie M, Street J, Barlow W. A comparison of physical therapy, chiropractic manipulation, and provision of an educational booklet for the treatment of patients with low back pain. N Engl J Med 1998; 339(15): 1021-9.

Altri riferimenti bibliografici

Van Tulder MW, Esmail R, Bombardier C, Koes BW. Back schools for non-specific low back pain (Cocrane Review). In: The Cochraine Library 2001: 3. Oxford: Update Software.