Home Fascicolo n.3/1996 Bibliografia
Abstract dal mondo
pubblicato nel Maggio - Giugno 1996 ne Il Fisioterapista - fascicolo n.3

Bibliografia dell'articolo originale

1) Adams M.A., Hutton W., The effect of posture on the role of the apophysial joints in resisting intervertebral compressive forces . J Bone Joint Surg 62: 358-62, 1980.

2) Adams M.A., Dolan P., Hutton W.C., The lumbar spine in backward bending . Spine 13: 1019-26, 1988.

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4) Boocock M.G., Garbuttm G., Reilly T., Linge K., Troup J.D.G., The effects of gravity inversion on exercise-induced spinal loading. Ergonomics 3: 1631-37, 1988.

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28) Pope M.H., Andersson G.B.J., Frymoyer J.W., Chaffin D.B., Occupational low back pain, assessment, treatment and prevention . Mosby Year Book, St. Louis, 1991.

29) Reilly T., Tyrrell A., Troup J.D.G., Circadian variation in human stature . Chronobiology International 1: 121-26, 1984.

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32) Troup J.D.G., Reilly T., Eklund J.A.R., leatt P., Measurements of the gains & losses in stature in response to spinal loading and their relation to the perception of exertion of discomfort . Stress Medicine 303-7, 1985.

33) Tyrrell A.R., Reilly T., Troup J.D.G., Circadian variation in stature and the effects of spinal loading . Spine 9: 557-65, 1984.

34) Wilder D.G., Pope M.H., Frymoyer J.W., The biomechanics of the lumbar disc herniation and the effect of overload and instability . J Spinal Dis 1: 16-32, 1988.

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36) Yang K.H., King A.L., Mechanism of facet load transmission as a hypothesis for low back pain . Spine 9: 557-65, 1984.