Home Fascicolo n.3/1997 Bibliografia
Aspetti legislativi per gli operatori sanitari
pubblicato nel Maggio - Giugno 1997 ne Il Fisioterapista - fascicolo n.3


1) Byron E., Work related musculoskeletal disorders among physical therapist . Physical Theraphy, volume 76 (8), 1996.

2) Chaffin D.B., A longitudinal study of low back pain as associated with occupational weight lifting factors . Am Ind Hig Ass J 513/525.

3) Dehlin O., Back symptons in nursing aides in a geriatric hospital. Scand J Rehab Med, volume 8, 1976.

4) Magora A., Investigation of the relation between low back pain e occupation work history . Ind Med Surg, volume 39 (2), 1970.

5) Knibbe J., Prevalence of back pain and characteristic of the physical workload of community nurses . Ergonomics, volume 39 (2), 1996.

6) Nierdhammer I., Lert F., Marne M.J., Back pain and associated factors in French nurses . Int Arch Occu Envir Healt, 66, 1994.

7) Stubbs D., Back pain in the nursing profession. 1. Epidemiology and pilot methodology . Ergonomics, volume 23 (8), 1983.