Home Fascicolo n.4/2008 Bibliografia
Emiplegia: il contributo della rieducazione vestibolare
pubblicato nel Luglio - Agosto 2008 ne Il Fisioterapista - fascicolo n.4


  1. Cambier Neurologia. Milano: Masson 2005

  2. Forkan R, Pumper B, Smyth N, Wirkkala H, Ciol MA, Shumway-Cook A. Exercise adherence following physical therapy intervention in older adults with impaired balance. Phys Ther 2006 Mar; 86(3): 401-10.

  3. Brugnoni G, Alpini D. Medicina fisica e riabilitativa dei disturbi di equilibrio. Milano: Sprinter Verlag 2007.

  4. Perennou DA, Leblond C, Amblard B, Micallef JP, Rouget E, Pelissier J. The polymodal sensory cortex is crucial for controlling lateral postural stability: evidence from stroke patients. Brain Research Bulletin 2000; 3: 359-65.

  5. Miyai I. Parietal-insular strokes are associated with impaired Standing Balance as Assessed by Computerized Dynamic Posturography. J Neuro Rehab 1997; 11: 35-40.

  6. Brandt Th, Dieterich M, Danek A. Vestibular cortex lesions affect the perception of verticality. Ann Neurol 1994; 35: 403-12.

  7. Bonan I, Yelnik A, Colle F et al. Reliance on visual information after stroke. Part II: Effectiveness of a balance rehabilitation program with visual cue deprivation after stroke: a randomized controlled trial. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2004; 85: 274-8.

  8. Rode G, Tiliket C, Charlopain P, Boisson D. Postural asymmetry by vestibular caloric stimulation in left hemiparetic patients. Scand J Rehab Med 1998: 9-14.

  9. Macias JD, Massingale S, Gerkin RD. Efficacy of vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy in reducing falls. Otolaryngology-Head and neck Surgery 2005; 133: 323-5.

  10. Corna S, Nardone A, Prestinari A, Galante M, Grasso M, Schieppati M. Comparison of Cawthorne-Cooksey exercises and sinusoidal support surfaces translations to improve balance in patients with unilateral vestibular deficit. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2003; 84: 1173-84.

Ulteriori approfondimenti bibliografici

  • Alpini D, Cesarani A. I disturbi dell’equilibrio nell’anziano.

  • Badke MB. Outcomes after Rehabilitation for Adults with balance Dysfunction.Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2004; 85: 227-33.

  • Bonan JV, Colle FM, Guichard JP, Vicaut E, Eisenfisz M, Yelnik AP. Reliance on visual information after stroke Part I: Balance on dynamic posturography Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2004; 85: 268-73.

  • Bottini G. Identification of central vestibular projections in man; a positron emission tomography activation study. Exp BrainRes 1994; 99: 164-69.

  • Davies P. Passo dopo passo: il trattamento integrato dei pazienti con emiplegia. Milano: Sprinter Verlag.

  • Di Fabio RP, Badke MB. Stance duration under sensory conflict conditions in patients with emiplegia. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1991; 72: 292-5.

  • Fiebert M, Brown E. Vestibular stimulation to improve Ambulation after a cerebral vascular accident. Physical Therapy 1979; 59(4): 423-6.

  • Geurts ACH, De Haart M. A review of standing balance recovery from stroke. Gait and Posture 2005; 22: 267-81 .

  • Harris JE, Eng JJ, Marigold DS, Tokuno CD, Louis CL. Relationship of Balance and mobility to fall Incidence in people with Chronic Stroke. Physical Therapy 2005; 85.

  • Leigh RG. Human vestibular cortex. Ann neurol 1994; 35:3 83-4.

  • Shumway-Cook A, Woollacott H. Motor control: Theory and practical applications. Williams & Wilkins 1947.

  • Winter DA. Human balance and posture control during standing and walking. Gait and posture 1995; 3: 193-214.