Home Fascicolo n.5/2014 Bibliografia

The physiotherapist as an educator
Lombalgia cronica: educazione della neurofisiologia del dolore

pubblicato nel Settembre - Ottobre 2014 ne Il Fisioterapista - fascicolo n.5


  1. Airaksinen O, Brox JI, Cedraschi C, et al. European guidelines for the management of chronic nonspecific low back pain. Eur Spine J 2006.
  2. Dolphen M, Nijs J, Cagnie B, et al. Efficacy of a modern neuroscience approach versus usual care evidence-based physiotherapy on pain, disability and brain characteristics in chronic spinal pain patients: protocol of a randomized clinical trial. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2014; 15: 149.
  3. Dagenais S, Tricco AC, Haldeman S. Synthesis of recommendations for the assessment and management of low back pain from recent clinical practice guidelines. Spine J 2010; 10(6): 514-29.
  4. Nijs J, Paul van Wilgen C, Van Oosterwijck J, van Ittersum M, Meeus M. How to explain central sensitization to patients with ‘unexplained’ chronic musculoskeletal pain: practice guidelines. Man Ther 2011; 16(5): 413-8.
  5. Meeus M, Nijs J, Van de Wauwer N, Toeback L, Truijen S. Diffuse noxious inhibitory control is delayed in chronic fatigue syndrome: an experimental study. Pain 2008; 139(2): 439-48.
  6. Seifert LJ, Maihöfner C. Central mechanism of experimental and chronic neuropathic pain: findings from functional imaging studies. Cell Mol Life Sci 2009; 66: 375-90.
  7. Brosschot E, et al. Cognitive-emotional sensitization and somatic health complaints. Scand J Psychol 2002; 42: 113-21.
  8. Jackson T, Pope L, Nagasaka T, Fritch A, Iezzi T, Chen H. The impact of threatening­ information about pain on coping and pain tolerance. Br J Health Psychol 2005; 10: 441-51.
  9. Moseley L. Combined physiotherapy and education is efficacious for chronic low back pain. Aust J Physiother 2002; 48(4): 297-302.
  10. Ryan CG, Gray HG, Newton M, Granat MH. Pain biology education and exercise classes compared to pain biology education alone for individuals with chronic low back pain: a pilot randomised controlled trial. Man Ther 2010; 15(4): 382-7.