Home Fascicolo n.5/2017 Bibliografia
Sindrome del tunnel carpale: terapia manuale
pubblicato nel Settembre - Ottobre 2017 ne Il Fisioterapista - fascicolo n.5


  1. Thiese MS, Gerr F, Hegmann KT, et al. Effects of varying case definition on carpal tunnel syndrome prevalence estimates in a pooled cohort. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2014; 95: 2320-6.
  2. de-la-Llave-Rincón AI, Puentedura EJ, Fernández-de-las-Peñas C. New advances in the mechanisms and etiology of carpal tunnel syndrome. Discov Med 2012; 13: 343-8.
  3. Gerritsen AA, de Vet HC, Scholten RJ, et al. Splinting vs surgery in the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA 2002; 288(10): 1245-51.
  4. Coppieters MW, Butler DS. Do ‘sliders' slide and ‘tensioners' tension? An analysis of neurodynamic techniques and considerations regarding their application. Man Ther 2008; 13(3): 213-21.
  5. O'Connor D, Marshall S, Massy-Westropp N. Non-surgical treatment (other than steroid injection) for carpal tunnel syndrome. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2003; 1: CD003219.
  6. Page MJ, O’Connor D, Pitt V, Massy-Westropp, N. Exercise and mobilisation interventions for carpal tunnel syndrome. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2012; 6: CD009899.
  7. Page M, Massy-Westropp N, O’Connor D, Pitt V. Splinting for carpal tunnel syndrome. Cochrane Database Syst 2012; Rev 7: CD010003.
  8. Badger SA, O’Donnell ME, Sherigar JM, Connolly P, Spence RA. Open carpal tunnel release–still a safe and effective operation. Ulster Med J 2008; 77(1): 22-4.
  9. Hui AC, Wong S, Leung CH, et al. A randomized controlled trial of surgery vs steroid injection for carpal tunnel syndrome. Neurology 2005; 64(12): 2074-8.
  10. Oztas O, Turan B, Bora I, Karakaya MK. Ultrasound therapy effect in carpal tunnel syndrome. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1998; 79(12): 1540-4.
  11. Ebenbichler GR, Resch KL, Nicolakis P, et al. Ultrasound treatment for treating the carpal tunnel syndrome: randomized “sham" controlled trial. BMJ 1998; 316(7133): 731-5.
  12. Shooshtari SM, Badiee V, Taghizadeh SH, et al. The effects of low level laser in clinical outcome and neurophysiological results of carpal tunnel syndrome. Electromyogr Clin Neurophysiol 2008; 48(5): 229-31.
  13. Yagci I, Elmas O, Akcan E, et al. Comparison of splinting and splinting plus low-level laser therapy in idiopathic carpal tunnel syndrome. Clin Rheumatol 2009; 28(9): 1059-65.
  14. Irvine J, Chong SL, Amirjani N, Chan KM. Double-blind randomized controlled trial of low-level laser therapy in carpal tunnel syndrome. Muscle Nerve.2004; 30(2): 182-7.
  15. Evcik D, Kavuncu V, Cakir T, Subasi V, Yaman M. Laser therapy in the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome: a randomized controlled trial. Photomed Laser Surg 2007; 25(1): 34-9.
  16. Bakhtiary AH, Rashidy-Pour A. Ultrasound and laser therapy in the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome. Physiother 2004; 50(3): 147-51.
  17. Marshall S, Tardif G, Ashworth N. Local corticosteroid injection for carpal tunnel syndrome. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2007;(2): CD001554.
  18. Goodyear-Smith F, Arroll B. What can family physicians offer patients with carpal tunnel syndrome other than surgery? A systematic review of nonsugical management. Ann Fam Med 2004; 2(3):267-73.
  19. Fernández-de-Las-Peñas C, Cleland J, Palacios-Ceña M, et al. The effectiveness of manual therapy versus surgery on self-reported function, cervical range of motion, and pinch grip force in carpal tunnel syndrome: a randomized clinical trial. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2017; 47(3): 151-61
  20. Shacklock M. Clinical neurodynamics. A new system of musculoskeletal treatment. Toronto (CA): Elsevier, 2005.
  21. Moraska A, Chandler C, Edmiston-Schaetzel A, et al. Comparison of a targeted and general massage protocol on strength, function, and symptoms associated with carpal tunnel syndrome: A randomized pilot study. J Altern Complement Med 2008; 14: 259-67.
  22. Coppieters M.W, Alshami A. Longitudinal excursion and strain in the median nerve during novel nerve gliding exercises for carpal tunnel syndrome. J Orthop Res 2007; 25: 972-80.
  23. Coppieters MW, Hough AD, Dilley A. Different nerve-gliding exercises induce different magnitudes of median nerve longitudinal excursion: An in vivo study using dynamic ultrasound imaging. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2009; 39: 164-71.
  24. Wolny T, Saulicz E, Linek P, Shacklock M, Myśliwiec A. Efficacy of manual therapy including neurodynamic techniques for the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome: a randomized controlled trial. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2017; 40(4): 263-72.
  25. Fernández-de-Las Peñas C, Ortega-Santiago R, de la Llave-Rincón AI, et al. Manual physical therapy versus surgery for carpal tunnel syndrome: A randomized parallel-group trial. J Pain 2015; 16: 1087-94.