Home Fascicolo n.6/2012 Bibliografia
Clinical reasoning & decision making
Capsulite adesiva: valutazione funzionale e management
pubblicato nel Novembre - Dicembre 2012 ne Il Fisioterapista - fascicolo n.6


  1. Green S, Buchbinder R, Hetrick S. Physiotherapy interventions for shoulder pain. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2003; (2): CD004258.

  2. Neviaser AS, Hannafin JA. Adhesive capsulitis: a review of current treatment. Am J Sports Med 2010; 38(11): 2346-56.

  3. Manske RC, Prohaska D. Diagnosis and management of adhesive capsulitis. Curr Rev Musculoskelet Med 2008; 1(3-4): 180-9.

  4. Walmsley S, Rivett DA, Osmotherly PG. Adhesive capsulitis: establishing consensus on clinical identifiers for stage 1 using the DELPHI technique. Phys Ther 2009; 89(9): 906-17.

  5. Kelley MJ, McClure PW, Leggin BG. Frozen shoulder: evidence and a proposed model guiding rehabilitation. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2009; 39(2): 135-48.

  6. Ewald A. Adhesive capsulitis: a review. Am Fam Physician 2011; 83(4): 417-22.

  7. Hanchard NC, Goodchild L, Thompson J et al. Evidence-based clinical guidelines for the diagnosis, assessment and physiotherapy management of contracted (frozen) shoulder: quick reference summary. Physiotherapy 2012; 98(2): 117-20.

  8. Yang JL, Jan MH, Chang CW, Lin JJ. Effectiveness of the end-range mobilization and scapular mobilization approach in a subgroup of subjects with frozen shoulder syndrome: a randomized control trial. Man Ther 2012; 17(1): 47-52.