Home Il Fisioterapista Issue n.1/2017

Issue n.1/2017
Issue n. 1 January - February 2017
A guide to physical therapist practice
Fasciopatia plantare
Interview & subjective assessment
Plantar fasciopathyAlice Tiberi

Clinical reasoning & decision making
Plantar fasciopathy: assessment and therapeutic strategiesValentina Toscano

Clinical test & research
Plantar fasciopathy: risk factors, symptoms, and clinical testsAlessandro Ruggeri

Outcome measures & clinimetric assessment
VISA-A scale Redazione di

Manual therapy
Plantar fasciopathy: manual therapyMarco Primavera, Jennifer Baldassini

Therapeutic exercise
Plantar fasciopathy: therapeutic exerciseAnnalisa Corradini, Stefano Sorrentino

Biomedical statistics & clinical epidemiology
Plantar fasciopathy: statistic relevant factorsMassimo Bitocchi

Physiotherapy & rehabilitation on web
My Joint PainLisa Cosi
EB talks
Interview in scientific researchVirginia Colibazzi, Adriano Coladonato, Emilio Romanini


Come gestire il dolore in fisioterapia
Cervicogenic headache: review on the efficacy of the high-velocity manipulationGiovanni Maccagni, Giovanni Rabaiotti, Nicola Lovecchio

Physioterapist-patient relationship
Acute and chronic pain: how to manage it in physiotherapyGiulia Cesetti

Are elastic and non-elastic tape useful in rehabilitation?Paolo Bizzarri

Tinetti's test for community-living elderlyGuido Spargoli

Tecniche rieducative
Hold-relax technique versus Isometric sensorimotor taskSandro Gentili, Marco Rulli, Paola Valentini

Radiology & imaging in physiotherapy
Plantar fasciopathy: which imaging for the best diagnosis?Mauro Branchini, Mirco Branchini

Sport traumatology & management
Groin pain syndrome: pulsed radiofrequency
associated to laparoscopic retroperitoneal approach
Gian Nicola Bisciotti, Alessio Auci, Francesco Di Marzo, Maria Federica Parra, Gabriella Cassaghi

Knee replacement: study on the functional outcomes of different types of implantsLuciano Contrino, Silvia Lorenzoni, Alessandro Farina, Alice D'Agosta, Michele Picasso, Sonia Ceretto Castigliano, Maura Ferrari Bravo


Le questioni del mestiere
Le cooperative del settore socio-sanitario: un nodo apertoFrancesco Saverio Proia
Le questioni del mestiere
Rottamazione delle cartelle EquitaliaAlessio Scaglia