Home Fascicolo n.2/2009 Bibliografia
Mieloma multiplo: complicanze riabilitative
pubblicato nel Marzo - Aprile 2009 ne Il Fisioterapista - fascicolo n.2


  • Badros A, Goloubeva O, Dalas JS et al. Neurotoxicity of bortezomib therapy in multiple myeloma: a single-center experience and review of the literature. Cancer, 2007 Sep 1; 110(5): 1042-9.

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  • Chang SA, Lee SS, Ueng SW, Yuan LJ, Shih CH. Surgical treatment for pathological long bone fracture in patient with multiple myeloma: a retrospective analysis of 22 cases. Chang Gung Med J 2001 May; 24(5): 300-6.

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  • Durr HR, Kuhne JH, Hagena FW, Moser T, Refior HJ. Surgical treatment for myeloma of the bone. A retrospective analysis of 22 cases. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 1997; 116(8): 463-9.

  • Durr HR, Wegener B, Krodel A, Muller PE, Jansson V, Refior HJ. Multiple myeloma: surgery of the spine: retrospective analysis of 27 patients. Spine. 2002 Feb 1; 27(3): 320-4.

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  • Isoardo B, Bergui M, Durelli L et al. Thalidomide neurophaty: clinical, electrophysiological and neuroradiological features. Acta Neurol Scand 2004 Mar; 109(3): 188-93.

  • Jones LW , Courneya KS , Vallance JK , Ladha AB , Mant MJ , Belch AR , Stewart DA , Reiman T . Association between exercise and quality of life in multiple myeloma cancer survivors. Support Care Cancer 2004 Nov; 12(11): 780-8.

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  • Melton LJ, Kyle RA, Achenbach SJ, Oberg AL, Rajkumar SV. Fracture risk with multiple myeloma: a population-based study. J Bone Miner Res 2005; 20(03): 487-93.

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  • Plasmati R, Pastorelli F, Cavo M et al. Neurophaty in multiple myeloma treated with thalidomide: a propsective study. Neurology. 2007 Aug 7; 69(6): 573-81.

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  • Van Weert E , Hoekstra-Weebers J , Otter R , Postema K , Sanderman R , van der Schans C . Cancer-related fatigue: predictors and effects of rehabilitation. Oncologist 2006 Feb; 11(2): 184-96.

  • Yeh HS, berenson JR. Myeloma bone disease and treatment options. Eur J Cancer 2006; 42(11): 1554-63.