Home Fascicolo n.3/2011 Bibliografia
Disability of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand Outcome Measure
pubblicato nel Maggio - Giugno 2011 ne Il Fisioterapista - fascicolo n.3


  1. The Institute for Work & Health are the copyright owners of the DASH and QuickDASH Outcome Measures (

  2. Hudak PL, Amadio PC, Bombardier C. Development of an upper extremity outcome measure: the DASH (disabilities of the arm, shoulder, and hand). Am J Industrial Med 1996; 29: 602-8.

  3. Padua R, Padua L, Ceccarelli E, Romanini E, Zanoli G, Amadio PC, Campi A. Italian version of the Disability of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand (DASH) questionnaire. Cross-cultural adaptation and validation. J Hand Surg Br 2003 Apr; 28(2): 179-86.

  4. Beaton DE, Katz JN, Fossel AH, Wright JG, Tarasuk V, Bombardier C. Measuring the whole or the parts? Validity, reliability, and responsiveness of the Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand outcome measure in different regions of the upper extremity. J Hand Ther 2001; 14: 128-46.