Home Fascicolo n.3/2015 Bibliografia

Ernia del disco lombare sintomatica:
risonanza magnetica nucleare

pubblicato nel Maggio - Giugno 2015 ne Il Fisioterapista - fascicolo n.3


  1. Baldwin NG. Lumbar disc disease: the natural history. Neurosurg Focus 2002.
  2. Fardon DF, Milette PC. Nomenclature and classification of lumbar disc pathology. Spine (Phila Pa 1976) 2001; 26(5): E93-E113.
  3. PNLG. Appropriatezza della diagnosi e del trattamento chirurgico dell’ernia del disco lombare sintomatica Ottobre 2005 (aggiornamento Ottobre 2008).
  4. Jensen M, Brant-Zawadzki M, Obuchowski N. Magnetic resonance imaging of the lumbar spine in people without back pain. N Engl J Med 1994; 331(2): 69-73.
  5. Weishaupt D, Zanetti M, Hodler J, Boos N. MR imaging of the lumbar spine: prevalence of intervertebral disk extrusion and sequestration, nerve root compression, end plate abnormalities, and osteoarthritis of the facet joints in asymptomatic volunteers. Radiology 1998, 209(3): 661-6.
  6. van Rijn JC, Klemetsö N, Reitsma JB, et al. Observer variation in MRI evaluation of patients suspected of lumbar disk herniation. AJR Am J Roentgenol 2005; 184(1): 299-303
  7. Suri P, Hunter DJ, Jouve C, et al. Nonsurgical treatment of lumbar disk herniation: are outcomes different in older adults? J Am Geriatr Soc 2011; 59(3): 423-9.
  8. Lurie JD, Doman DM, Spratt KF, Tosteson AN, Weinstein JN. Magnetic resonance imaging interpretation in patients with symptomatic lumbar spine disc herniations: comparison of clinician and radiologist readings. Spine 2009; 34(7): 701-5.
  9. van Rijn JC, Klemetso N, Reitsma JB, et al. Symptomatic and asymptomatic abnormalities in patients with lumbosacral radicular syndrome: Clinical examination compared with MRI. Clin Neurol Neurosurg 2006; 108(6):553-7.