Home Fascicolo n.3/2015 Bibliografia

Lesione della sindesmosi tibio-peroneale:
trattamento conservativo

pubblicato nel Maggio - Giugno 2015 ne Il Fisioterapista - fascicolo n.3


  1. Orteza LC, Vogelbach WD, Denegar CR. The effect of molded and unmolded orthotics on balance and pain while jogging following inversion ankle sprain. J Athl Train 1992; 27: 80-4.
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  20. Hägglund M, Waldén M, Ekstrand J. Risk factors for lower extremity muscle injury in professional soccer: the UEFA injury study. Am J Sports Med 2013; 41: 327-35.
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  24. Ebraheim NA, Lu J, Yang H, Mekhail AO, Yeasting RA. Radiographic and CT evaluation of tibiofibular syndesmotic diastasis: a cadaver study. Foot Ankle Int 1997; 18: 693-8.
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  26. Sikka RS, Fetzer GB, Sugarman E, et al. Correlating MRI findings with disability in syndesmotic sprains of NFL players. Foot Ankle Int 2012; 33: 371-8.
  27. Polzer H, Kanz KG, Prall WC, et al. Diagnosis and treatment of acute ankle injuries: development of an evidence-based algorithm. Orthop Rev (Pavia) 2012; 4: 3-5.
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