Home Fascicolo n.4/2010 Bibliografia
Oscillazione posturale nell'anziano dopo osteosintesi di frattura di femore: effetti della riabilitazione
pubblicato nel Luglio - Agosto 2010 ne Il Fisioterapista - fascicolo n.4


  1. Turci M, Shirai YF, Grassi GP, Lovecchio N, Sforza C. Oscillazione posturale in soggetti sani: effetto dell’età. Ortho2000, 2003; 5(1): 27-31.

  2. Amiridis IG, Hatzitaki V, Arabatzi F. Age-induced modifications in static postural control in humans. Neuroscience Letters 2003; 350: 137-40.

  3. Macias JD, Massingale S, Gerkin RD. Efficacy of vestibular rehabilitation therapy reducing falls. Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery 2005; 133: 323-5.

  4. Nardone A, Grasso M, Tarantola J, Corna S, Schieppati M. Postural coordination in elderly subjects standing on a periodically moving platform. Archives of Physical and Medical Rehabilitation 2000; 81: 1217-23.

  5. Forth KE, Metter EJ, Palonski WH. Age associated in postural equilibrium control: a comparison between EQ score and minimum time to contact (TTCmin). Gait & Posture 2007; 25: 56-62.

  6. Chu LW, Chi I, Chiu AYY. Incidence and predictors of falls in the Chinese elderly. Annals Academy of Medicine Singapore 2005; 34: 60-72.

  7. Fuller GL. Falls in elderly. American Family Physician 2000; 1(61): 2159-68, 2173-4.

  8. Hatzitaki V, Amiridis IG, Arabatzi F. Aging effects on postural responses to self-imposed balance perturbation. Gait & Posture 2005; 22: 250-7.

  9. Heruti RJ, Lusky A, Barell V, Ohry A, Adunsky A. Cognitive status at admission: does it affect the rehabilitation outcome of elderly patients with hip fracture? Archives of Physical and Medical Rehabilitation 1999; 80: 432-6.

  10. Stevens JA, Olson S. Reducing Falls and resulting hip fractures among older women. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. Recommendations Report 2000 Mar 31; 49(RR-2): 3-12 .

  11. Shumway-Cook A, Ciol MA, Gruber W, Robinson C. Incidence of and risk factors for falls following hip fractures in community-dwelling older adults. Physical Therapy 2005; 85: 648-55.

  12. Barbisoni P, Bertozzi B, Franzoni S et al. Mood improvement in elderly women after in-hospital physical rehabilitation. Archives of Physical and Medical Rehabilitation 1996; 77: 346-9.

  13. Miller RR, Zhang Y, Silliman RA et al. Effect of medical conditions on improvement in self-reported and observed functional performance of elders. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2004; 52: 217-23.

  14. Nikolaus T. Gait, balance and falls – reasons and consequences. Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 2005; 130: 1-3.

  15. Nikolaus T. Gait, balance and falls – assessment and prevention. Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 2005; 130: 4-7.

  16. Mantovani E, Shirai YF, Lovecchio N et al. Misura optoelettronica dei movimenti dell’anca. Il Fisioterapista 2006; 12(6): 73-9.

  17. Mille M, Johnson M, Martinez KM, Rogers MW. Age-dependent differences in lateral balance recovery through protective stepping. Clinical Biomechanics 2005; 20: 607-16.

  18. Binder E, Brown M, Sinacore D et al. Effects of extended outpatient rehabilitation after hip fracture. A randomized controlled trial. Journal of American Medical Association 2004; 292: 837-46.

  19. Majewski M, Bischoff-Ferrari HA, Grueneberg C, Dick W, Allum JHJ. Improvements in balance after total hip replacement. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (British edition) 2005; 87-B: 1337-43.

  20. Nyland J, Smith S, Beickman K, Armsey T, Caborn DNM. Frontal plane knee angle affects dynamic postural control strategy during unilateral stance. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 2004; 34(7): 1150-7.

  21. Sforza C, Grassi GP, Turci M et al. Influence of training on maintenance of equilibrium on a tilting platform. Perceptual and Motor Skills 2003; 96: 127-36.

  22. Davis JC, Robertson MC, Ashe MC et al. Does a home-based strength and balance programme in people aged >80 years provide the best value for money to prevent falls? A systematic review of economic evaluations of falls prevention. British Journal of Sports Medicine 2010; 44: 80-9.

  23. Sakamoto K, Nakamura T, Hagino H et al. Effects of unipedal standing balance exercise on the prevention of falls and hip fracture among clinically defined high-risk elderly individuals: a randomized controlled trials. Journal of Orthopaedic Science 2006; 11: 467-72.

  24. Wang C, Collet JP, Lau J. The effect of Tai Chi on health outcomes in patients with chronic conditions. A systematic review. Archives of Internal Medicine 2004; 164: 493-501.