Home Fascicolo n.5/2015 Bibliografia
Responsabilizzare il paziente
pubblicato nel Settembre - Ottobre 2015 ne Il Fisioterapista - fascicolo n.5


  1. World Health Organization. The WHO Health Promotion Glossary. Geneva: WHO; 1998.
  2. Angelmar R, Bermann BP. Patient empowerment and efficient health outcomes. In: Financing sustainable healthcare in Europe. 2007; pp. 139-162.
  3. Coulter A, Entwistle V, Gilbert D. Sharing decisions with patients: is the information good enough? BMJ 1999; 318:318-22.
  4. Coulter A, Ellins J. Effectiveness of strategies for informing, educating, and involving patients. BMJ, 2007; 335: 24-7.
  5. Manojlovich M. Power and empowerment in nursing: looking backward to inform the future. The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing 2007; 12: 2.
  6. Anderson RM, Funnell MM. Compliance and adherence are dysfunctional concepts in diabetes care. Diabetes Educ 2000; 26: 597-604.
  7. Anderson RM, Funnell MM, Barr PA, Dedrick RF, Davis WK. Learning to empower patients. Results of professional education program for diabetes educators. Diabetes Care 1991; 14:584-90.
  8. Hoover J. Compliance from a patient's perspective. Diabetes Educ 1980; 6: 9-12.
  9. Rollnick S, Miller WR, Butler CC. Motivational interviewing in health care: helping patients change behavior (applications of motivational interviewing). London UK: The Guilford Press; 2007.