Home Fascicolo n.6/2004 Bibliografia
Agopuntura in riabilitazione
pubblicato nel Novembre - Dicembre 2004 ne Il Fisioterapista - fascicolo n.6


  1. Hempen CH. Atlante di agopuntura. Milano: Hoepli; 1999.

  2. Ernst E, White A. Acupuncture: a scientific appraisal. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann; 1999.

  3. Menniti-Ippolito F, Gargiulo L, Bologna E, Forcella E, Raschetti R. Use of unconventional medicine in Italy: a nation-wide survey. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 2002; 58(1): 61-4.

  4. Moon SK, Whang YH, Park SU et al. Antispastic effect of electroacupuncture and moxibustion in stroke patients. Am J Chin Med 2003; 31(3): 467-74.

  5. Fink M, Rollnik JD, Bijak M et al. Needle acupuncture in chronic poststroke leg spasticity. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2004; 85(4): 667-72.

  6. Wong AM, Su TY, Tang FT, Cheng PT, Liaw MY. Clinical trial of electrical acupuncture on hemiplegic stroke patients. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 1999; 78(2): 117-22.

  7. Johansson BB, Haker E, von Arbin M et al. Acupuncture and transcutaneous nerve stimulation in stroke rehabilitation: a randomized, controlled trial. Stroke 2001; 32(3): 707-13.

  8. Seki T, Kurusu M, Tanji H, Arai H, Sasaki H. Acupuncture and swallowing reflex in poststroke patients. J Am Geriatr Soc 2003; 51(5): 726-7.

  9. Tsuiki M et al. The effects of acupuncture on shoulder-hand syndrome (SHS) as a complication of hemiplegia. J Compl Med 2002; 65: 128-36.