Treatment of chronic primary lymphedema: ultrasonography and tecar therapy
published in January - February 2023 - in Il Fisioterapista - issue n.1
Cinzia Cavone, Vincenzo Ricci, Arnaldo Andreoli, Fabrizio Gervasoni

Lymphedema is defined as: “chronic and progressive degenerative disease occurring in the human body due to a partial impairment of lymphatic network”. The progressive evolution of its definition from a fluid collection to a proper pathology strongly highlight the disease-related disability and its functional implications in daily life. The diagnostic pathway of lymphedema commonly requires a “cross-talk” between clinical and imaging findings. Clinically, medical history and physical examination are the cornerstones to focus the diagnosis. Nowadays, high-resolution ultrasonography of the superficial soft tissues can be considered a strong, point-of-care diagnostic tool to optimize the management of patients with lymphatic diseases. In this sense, at the Rehabilitation Unit of “Luigi Sacco” University Hospital (ASST Fatebenefratelli Sacco) in Milan, we have performed preliminary, clinical-sonographic assessments of an innovative decongestive approch in patients with lymphedema by integrating the lymphatic drainage massage with sequential pressotherapy and tecartherapy.