Rehabilitation ward: a management model
published in March - April 2021 - in Il Fisioterapista - issue n.2
Giovanni Pietro Salvi, Fabrizio Togni, Mattia Brugali, Chiara Milesi, Simona Dolci, Marcello Simonini

This article presents the management model of the neurorehabilitation department of the Istituto Clinico Quarenghi: the multidisciplinary team is made up of doctors, neurologists, physiatrists, nurses, physiotherapists, speech therapists, neuropsychologists, psychologists, occupational therapists, as well as volunteers from the Genesis association who manage the care of the patients’ families. One feature that stands out is the presence of caregivers as an integral part of the rehabilitation project. This involvement is an indispensable resource for the patient’s successful recovery.