Instabilità lombare: un approccio conservativo
published in May - June 2004 - in Il Fisioterapista - issue n.3

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  1. White A, Panjabi M. Clinical biomechanics of the spine. Philadelphia: Lippincott; 1978.

  2. Hackett G. Ligament and tendon relaxation treated by prolotherapy. 3 rd ed. Springfield: Charles Tomas; 1958.

Ulteriori approfondimenti bibliografici

  • Barbor R. Sclerosant therapy, the theory of treatment of ligamentous disturbance by a dextrose sclerosant. Reunion sobre patologia de la columna vertebral. Murcia; 1977.

  • Bassani L. Lombosacralgie: approccio manuale e neuroriflesso alle affezioni lombo-sacrali e coccigee. Torino: Ed. Cortina; 1994.

  • Bassani L. Tecniche ginnico-riabilitative nel dolore muscolo-scheletrico. Milano: EdiErmes; 1998.

  • Bourdiol R. Pied et statique. Paris: Ed. Maisonneuve; 1998.

  • Bricot B. La riprogrammazione posturale globale. Montpellier: Sauramps medical; 1996.

  • Hippocrates. The genuine works of Hippocrates. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins; 1946: 212-4.

  • Manoil L. Histologic effects of various sclerosing therapy solutions. Arch Surg 1938: 36.

  • Ongley MJ, Klein RG, Dorman TA, Eek Cj et al. A new approach to the treatment of chronic back pain. Lancet 1987; 2(8551): 143-6.

  • Shumann D. Low back pain. Philadelphia: D. Shumann; 1958.

  • Yeomans FC, ed. Sclerosing therapy, the injection treatment of hernia, hydrocele, varicose veins and hemorroides. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins; 1939.

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