Afasia: nuovi approcci per il trattamento
published in May - June 2010 - in Il Fisioterapista - issue n.3

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  9. PACE: Promoting Aphasic’s Communicative Effectiveness. Gil Edelman. Ed. Winslow P, Sep 14 1987.

  10. SIGN: Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network . Sito Web:

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  13. Evoling 2: computerized therapy in speech pathologies. B. Cattani et al. International Focus on Stroke, Milano, 13-14 Dicembre 2007.

  14. Novel technology for treating individuals with aphasia and concomitant cognitive deficits. Cherney LR, Halper AS. Top Stroke Rehabil. 2008 Nov-Dec; 15(6): 542-54.

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