Cervicogenic dizziness
published in May - June 2017 - in Il Fisioterapista - issue n.3
Alice Tiberi

The diagnosis of cervicogenic dizziness is characterized by vertigo and disequilibrium that is associated with neck pain in patients with cervical pathology. Cervicogenic dizziness may be a result of whiplash injury, or other forms of cervical spine dysfunction, or spasms in the cervical muscles. The current theory is that cervicogenic dizziness results from abnormal input into the vestibular nuclei from the proprioceptors of the upper cervical region. Furthermore, the interconnections between the cervical proprioceptors and the vestibular nuclei may create a cyclic pattern in which the cervical muscle spasms induces dizziness while the dizziness, in turn, induces muscle spasm, although the causal relationship is unclear. In patients presenting with dizziness, a thorough medical history of the patient is essential in order to decide the most appropriate treatment for the patient.