First time lateral patellar dislocation: manual therapy
Marco Primavera, Jennifer Baldassini
Lateral dislocation of the patella is a traumatic event with loss of the joint relationships between the patella, which moves laterally, and the femoral trochlea. The trauma in 93% of cases is indirect and is due to a knee flexion movement associated with rotation and valgus stress. The anatomical structure mainly involved is the medial patellofemoral ligament. Treatment for a first episode of dislocation is generally conservative, but in the case of osteochondral fractures or important lesions of the medial structures (which stabilize the patella), as well as in the case of recurrent episodes, one proceeds immediately to surgical intervention. The main objective of rehabilitation is to recover knee function and stability and reduce to a minimum the risk of recurrence. Manual therapy is useful in both conservative and post-surgical treatment for the recovery of full joint movement.