Knee and hip arthroplasty: effects of taping in edema and hematoma reduction
published in May - June 2018 - in Il Fisioterapista - issue n.3
Riccardo Riccardi, Giovanni Cubisino, Federico Mariani, Danila Contessa, Patrizia Gadola

The article presents the results of a study aimed at evaluating the effects of kinesio-tape treatment in the reduction of haematoma-edema in some patients operated for hip and knee arthroplasty from the 6-7th post-operative day until the day of discharge. The sample group was compared to the control group consisting of the same number of patients not undergoing kinesio-tape treatment. For each patient an initial and a final evaluation was carried out with centimetric measurements of the healthy limb and of the limb operated at various points of reference.