Ingegneria medica: metodi di misura della prestazione motoria
published in July - August 1999 - in Il Fisioterapista - issue n.4

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2) Macellari V., Giacomozzi C ., Multistep pressure platform as a stand alone system for gait assessment . Med. & Biol. Eng. & Comput. 34(4): 299-304, 1996.

3) Macellari V., Groenneveld W., Torre M., Giacomozzi C., A treadmill instrumented with a platform for pressure distribution measurement . Proceeding of XIV Congress of Biomechanics. Paris, July 4-8, pp. 818-819, 1993.

4) Giacomozzi C., Macellari V., Piezo-dynamometric platform for a more complete analysis of foot-to-floor interaction . IEEE Trans Rehab Engr. 5(4): 322-30, 1997.

5) Torre M., Di Feo F., Giacomozzi C., Macellari V., A device for the measurement of the malleoli diastasis . Technology and Health Care 3: 241-9, 1996.

6) Gazzani F., Fadda A., Torre M., Macellari V., A pneumatic system for body weight relief in gait rehabilitation . IEEE Trans Rehab Engr. (in stampa).

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