Odierne interpretazioni fisiopatologiche
published in July - August 2001 - in Il Fisioterapista - issue n.4

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  18. Fanciullacci F, Sandri S, Politi P, Garavaglia PF, Catanzaro F, Zanollo A. Sacral evoked potentials in normal women and in women with stress incontinence. Neurourol Urodyn 1987; 6: 321-24.

  19. Barnick CG, Cardozo L. EMG of the urethral sphincter in genuine stress incontinence: a useless test? Proceeding of the ICS. Lubiana, 1989; 318-19.

  20. Lapides J, Gray HO. Function of striated muscles in the control of urination; effect of pudendal block. Surg Forum 1955; 6: 611.

Letture consigliate

  • Bradley W.E., Scott F.B., Timm G.W. – Sphincter electromyography. Urol. Clin. North Am. 1: 69, 1974

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