Instrumental semeiotics in physical and rehabilitation medicine
published in September - October 2018 - in Il Fisioterapista - issue n.5
Concetta Ljoka, Noemi Gentileschi, Stefania Campolo, Laura Giordani, Calogero Foti

Physical and rehabilitation medicine is a medical- specialist discipline aimed at the prevention, as- sessment and treatment of disabilities resulting from congenital or acquired diseases. The Re- habilitative Diagnosis makes use of clinical exa- mination and instrumental investigations. These constitute respectively manual and instrumen- tal physiatrists semeiotics. Manual semeiotics deals with the anamnesis and clinical examina- tion. Instrumental Semeiotics uses tools, some- times complex and sophisticated, which reduce the error of subjectivity and precision typical of manual evaluation. The knowledge of these in- struments must necessarily become part of the cultural background and daily clinical practice of each rehabilitation specialist.