Parkinson’s disease: assessment scales for balance and fall risk
published in November - December 2021 - in Il Fisioterapista - issue n.6
Angelo Russo

The following systematic review aims to reveal which scales for assessing balance and risk of falling for people with Parkinson’s disease are better in terms of psychometric properties. The worsening of balance and postural instability in subjects with PD lead to an aggravation of the clinical condition which is reflected in the activities of daily life and the psychological condition of the individual.
The evaluation scales have a fundamental importance in determining the patient’s status in order to start a suitable rehabilitation project that can improve skills and consequently reduce the risk of falling.
The psychometric properties were assessed qualitatively following the classification COnsensus- based Standards for the selection of health Measurement INstruments (COSMIN).
The results allowed an overview of the psychometric properties of the evaluation scales, identifying the advantages and criticalities.