Home Fascicolo n.1/2004 Bibliografia
Possono le emozioni influenzare la percezione del tempo?
pubblicato nel Gennaio - Febbraio 2004 ne Il Fisioterapista - fascicolo n.1


  1. Allan LG. The internal clock revisited. Time, Action and Cognition 1992; 22: 59-83.

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  3. Ivry RB, Keele SW. Timing functions of the cerebellum. J Cognit Neurosci 1989; 1: 136-52.

  4. Wearden JH. Do humans possess an internal clock with scalar timing properties? Learn Motiv 1991; 22: 59-83.

  5. Ivry RB. Cerebellar involvement in the explicit representation of temporal information. Ann NY Acad Sci 1993; 682: 214-30.

  6. Mangels JA, Ivry RB, Shimizu N. Dissociable contributions of the prefrontal and neocerebellar cortex to time perception. Cogn Brain Research 1998; 7: 15-39.

  7. Ivry RB, Keele SW, Diener HC. Dissociation of the lateral and medial cerebellum in movement timing and movement execution. Exp Brain Res 1988; 73: 167-80.

  8. Nichelli P, Clark K, Hollnagel C, Grafman J. Duration processing after frontal lobe lesions. Ann NY Acad Sci 1995; 769: 183-90.

  9. Nichelli P, Alway D, Grafman J. Perceptual timing in cerebellar degeneration. Neuropsychologia 1996: 34: 863-71.

  10. Olton DS. Frontal cortex, timing and memory. Neuropsychologia 1989; 27: 121-30.

  11. Olton DS, Wenk GL, Church RM, Meck WH. Attention and the frontal cortex as examined by simultaneous temporal processing. Neuropsychologia 1988; 26(2): 307-18.

  12. Angrilli A, Cherubini P, Pavese A, Manfredini S. The influence of affective factors on time perception. Percept Psychophys 1997; 59: 972-82.

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  19. Schachter S, Singer J. Cognitive, social and physiological determinants of emotional state. Psychol Rev 1962; 69: 379-99.

  20. LeDoux JE. Emotion: clues from the brain. Annu Rev Psychol 1995; 46: 209-35.

  21. Lazarus RS. Thoughts on relations between emotion and cognition. Am Psychol 1982; 37: 1019-24.

  22. Frijda NH. Emotion, cognitive structure and action tendency. Cognition and emotion 1987; 1: 115-43.

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  24. Osgood C, Suci G, Tannenbaum P. The measurement of meaning. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois; 1957.

  25. Lang PJ, Ohman A, Vaitl D. The International Affective Picture System [Photographic slides]. Gainesville, FL: Center for the study of Emotion and Attention; 1988-1995.

  26. Hodes RL, Cook EK, Lang PJ. Individual differences in autonomic response: conditioned association or conditioned fear? Psychophysiology 1985; 22: 545-60.

Ulteriori riferimenti bibliografici

  • Denes G, Pizzamiglio L. Manuale di neuropsicologia. 2a edizione. Bologna: Ed Zanichelli; 1996.

  • Ivry RB. The representation of temporal infomation in perception and motor control. Curr Opin Neurobiol 1996; 6: 851-7.

  • Ivry RB. Cerebellar timing system. Int Rev Neurobiol 1997; 41: 555.

  • Ivry RB, Richardson TC. Temporal control and coordination: the multiple timer model. Brain Cogn 2002; 48(1): 117-32.

  • Kandel ER, Scwhartz JH, Jessel TM. Principi di neuroscienze. 2a edizione. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana; 1994.

  • Lang PJ, Bradley MM, Cuthbert BN. Emotion, attention and the startle reflex. Psychol Rev 97: 377-95.

  • Lang PJ. Cognition in emotion: concept and action. In: Izard CE, Kagan J, Zajoric RB, eds. Emotion, cognitions and behaviour. New York: Cambridge University Press; 1984.

  • LeDoux JE. Cognitive-emotional interactions in the brain. Cognition and emotion 1989; 4: 267-89.

  • LeDoux JE. Emotional memory systems in the brain. Behav Brain Res 1993; 58: 69-70.

  • Meck WH. Attentional bias between modalities: effect on the internal clock, memory and decision stages used in animal time discrimination. Ann NY Acc Sci 1984; 423: 528-41.

  • Tellegen A. Structures of mood and personality and their relevance to assessing anxiety, with an emphasis on self report. Anxiety and the Anxiety Disorders 1985; 681-706.

  • Umiltà C. Manuale di neuroscienze. Bologna: Ed. Il Mulino; 1995.