Home Fascicolo n.4/2007 Bibliografia
Quando il paziente “si spinge”
pubblicato nel Luglio - Agosto 2007 ne Il Fisioterapista - fascicolo n.4


  1. Davies PM. Steps to follow. Berlin:Springer Verlag 1985.

  2. Karnath HO, Broetz D. Understanding and treating "pusher syndrome". Phys Ther. 2003 Dec; 83(12): 1119- 25.

  3. Pedersen PM, Wandel A. Ipsilateral pushing in stroke: incidence, relation to neuropsychological symptoms, and impact on rehabilitation. The Copenhagen Stroke Study. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1996; 77: 25-8.

  4. Karnath HO, Ferber S, Dichgans J. The origin of contraversive pushing: evidence for a second graviceptive system in humans. Neurology 2000 Nov 14; 55: 1298-304.

  5. Bisdorff AR.Wolsley CJ, Anastasopolus D et al. The perception of body verticality (subjective postural vertical) in peripheral and central vestibular disorders. Brain 1996; 119: 1523-34.

  6. Mittelstaedt H. Origin and processing of postural information. Neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews. 1998; 22: 473-8.

  7. Taiza Elaine Grespan dos Santos Pontelli et al. Posture control in Pusher syndrome: influence of lateral semicircular canals. Rev.Bras Otorrinolaringol. July/aug.2005.

  8. Karnath HO, Ferber S. The neural representation of postural control in humans. PNAS vol 97 December 5 2000; 25: 13931-6.

  9. Johannsen L, Broetz D, Naegele T, Karnath HO. "Pusher syndrome" following cortical lesions that spare the thalamus. J Neurol 2006 Apr; 253(4): 455-63.

  10. Perennou DA, Amblard B et al. Understanding the pusher behavior of some stroke patient s with spatial deficits: a pilot study. Arch Phys Med Rehabil April 2002; 83(4): 570-5

  11. Premoselli S, Cesana L. Pusher syndrome in stroke: clinica, neuropsicological and neurophysiological investigation. Eur med phys 2001; 37: 143-51.

  12. Gaudenzi N. Considerazioni sulla “pusher syndrome” proposte per la rieducazione motoria dell’ emiplegico eminattento. Quaderni A.I.T.R. (numero scientifico anno xviii 1995).

  13. Callino N. Tosoni R et al. Alcune riflessioni sulla sindrome della spinta. Riabilitazione oggi. Febbraio 1998: 53.

  14. Karnath HO, Johansen L. Prognosis of contraversive pushing. J Neurol 2002; 249: 1250-3.

  15. Danells C. Poststroke “pushing”. Stroke 2004; 35: 2873.

  16. D’Aquila MA, Smith T et al. Validation of lateropulsion scale for patients recovering from stroke. Clinical rehabilitation 2004; 18: 102-9.

  17. Benaim C et al. Validation of Standardized Assesment of postural control in stroke patients. Stroke September 1999.

  18. Bohannon WR, Cook AC et al. The listing phenomenon of hemiplegic patients. Neurology Report 1986; 10: 43-4.

  19. Paci M, Rinaldi LA. Physiotherapy for pusher behaviour. Letter to the Editor Neuro Rehabilitation 2005; 20: 347.

  20. Paci M, Bohannon R, Panturin E, Karnath HO. Pusher syndrome, letter to the editor J of the American Physical Therapy Association 2003.