Home Fascicolo n.4/2013 Bibliografia
Convinzioni di autoefficacia
pubblicato nel Luglio - Agosto 2013 ne Il Fisioterapista - fascicolo n.4


  1. European Cardiovascular Disease Statistics, ed. 2008.

  2. Kotseva K, Wood D, De Backer G, et al; EUROASPIRE Study Group. EUROASPIRE III: a survey on the lifestyle, risk factors and use of cardioprotective drug therapies in coronary patients from 22 European countries. Eur J Cardiovasc Prev Rehabil 2009; 16(2): 121-37.

  3. Bandura A. The primacy of self-regulation in health promotion. Applied Psychology: An International Review 2005; 54(2): 245-54.

  4. Bandura A. Self-efficacy: The exercise of control. New York: W.H. Freeman, 1997. Traduzione italiana a cura di Lo Iacono G, Mazzeo R. Autoefficacia. Teoria e applicazioni. Trento: Erickson, 2000.

  5. Bandura A. Health promotion from the perspective of social cognitive theory. In: Norman P, Abraham C, Conner M (eds). Understanding and changing health behavior: from health beliefs to self-regulation. Amsterdam: Harwood Academic, 2000: 299-39.

  6. Bandura A. Health promotion by social cognitive means. Health Education & Behavior 2004; 31(2): 143-64.

  7. O’Leary A, Brown S. Self-efficacy and the physiological stress response. In: Maddux JE (Ed). Self-efficacy, Adaptation and Adjustment. New York: Plenum Press, 1995: 227-48.

  8. Gruber B, Hall NR, Hersh SP, Dubois P. Immune system and psychological changes in metastatic cancer patients using relaxation and guided imagery: A pilot study. Scandinavian Journal of Behaviour Therapy,1988; 17: 25-46.

  9. Hurley CC, Shea CA. Self-efficacy: strategy for enhancing diabetes self-care. The Diabetes Educator, 1992; 18(2): 146-50.

  10. Merluzzi TV, Sanchez MA. Assessment of self-efficacy and coping with cancer: Development and validation of the cancer behavior inventory. Health Psychology 1997; 16(2): 163-70.

  11. Schoder KEE, Schwarzer R, Endler NS. Predicting cardiac patients’ quality of life from the characteristics of their spouses. Journal of Health Psychology, 1997; 2: 231-44.

  12. Scholz U, Sniehotta F, Schwarzer R. Predicting physical exercise in cardiac rehabilitation: the role of phase-specific self-efficacy beliefs. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology 2005; 27(2): 135-51.

  13. Waldrop D, Lightsey OR, Ethington CA, Woemmenl CA, Coke AL. Self-efficacy, optimism, health competence, and recovery from orthopedic surgery. Journal of Counseling Psychology 2001; 48: 233-8.

  14. Greco A, Pozzi R, Monzani D, et al. Predicting depression in patients with cardiovascular disease from illness severity: The mediating role of self-efficacy beliefs, illness perception, and perceived social support. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine. In press.

  15. Steca P, Greco A, D’Addario M, et al. Relationship of illness severity with health and life satisfaction in patients with cardiovascular disease: The mediating role of self-efficacy beliefs and illness perception. Journal of Happiness Studies. Published online November 3, 2012.