Home Fascicolo n.5/2018 Bibliografia
Atleta infortunato: come il fisioterapista può sostenere la motivazione e il recupero
pubblicato nel Settembre - Ottobre 2018 ne Il Fisioterapista - fascicolo n.5


  1. SACHS ML, SITLER MR, SCHWILLE G. Assessing and monitoring injuries and psychological characteristics in intercollegiate athletes: A counseling/ prediction model. 1993 In: D Pargman (Ed.), Psychological bases of sport injuries. Morgontown, WV: Fitness Information Technol-ogy, Inc; pp. 71-84.
  2. MADDISON RY, PRAPAVESSIS H. A psychological approach to the prediction and prevention of athletic injury. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 2005; 27: 289-310.
  3. HÄGGLUND M, WALDEN M, EKSTRAND J. Injuries among male and female elite football players. Scand J Med Sci Sports 2009; 19(6): 819-82
  4. TRANAEUS U, JOHNSON U, ENGSTRÖM B, SKILLGATE E, WERNER S. A psychological injury preven-tion group intervention in Swedish floorball. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc 2015; 23(11): 3414-20
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  6. PARK S, LAVALLEE D, TOD D. Athletes’ career transitions out of sport: a systematic review. Int Rev Sport Exerc Psychol 2013; 6: 22-53.
  7. HAGGER MS, CHATZISARANTIS NLD, GRIFFIN M, THATCHER J. Injury representations, coping, emotions, and functional outcomes in athletes with sports-related injuries: a test of self-regulation theory. J Appl Sport Psychol 2005; 35(11): 2345-74.
  8. LOHMANDER LS, ENGLUND PM, DAHL LL, ROOS EM. The long-term consequence of anterior cruciate ligament and meniscus injuries: osteoarthritis. Am J Sports Med 2007; 35(10): 1756-69.
  9. CLEMENT D, ARVINEN-BARROW M, FETTY T. Psychosocial responses during different phases of sport-injury rehabilitation: a qualitative study. J Athl Train 2015; 50: 95-104
  10. BANDURA A. Self-efficacy: The foundation of agency. In: WJ Perrig & A Grob (Eds.), Control of human behavior, mental processes, and consciousness (). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum, 2000; pp. 17-34
  11. ARDERN CL. Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction-not exactly a one-way ticket back to the preinjury level: a review of contextual factors affecting return to sport after surgery. Sports Health 2015; 7(3): 224-30.
  12. CHRISTINO MA, FANTRY AJ, VOPAT BG. Psychological aspects of recovery following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 2015; 23(8):501–09
  13. CZUPPON S, RACETTE BA, KLEIN SE, HARRIS-HAYES M. Variables associated with return to sport following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a systematic review. Br J Sports Med 2014; 48(5): 356-64.
  14. TURUNEN A. Injured athlete in team sport - How to help the athlete psychologically through the injury. Bachelor’s thesis degree program in sport and leisure management. University of Ap-plied Science. 1-41.
  15. MORREY MA, STUART MJ, SMITH AM, WIESE-BJORNSTAL DM. A longitudinal examination of athletes’ emotional and cognitive responses to anterior cruciate ligament injury. Clin J Sport Med 1999; 9(2): 63-9
  16. SWIRTUN LR, RENSTROM P. Factors affecting outcome after anterior cruciate ligament injury: a prospective study with a six- year follow-up. Scand J Med Sci Sports 2008; 18(3): 318-24.
  17. FALTSTROM A, HAGGLUND M, KVIST J Factors associated with playing football after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in female football players. Scand J Med Sci Sports 2015; 26(11): 1343-52.
  18. GOBBI A, FRANCISCO R. Factors affecting return to sports after anterior cruciate ligament recon-struction with patellar tendon and hamstring graft: a prospective clinical investigation. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc 2006; 14(10): 1021-28
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  22. LOCKE EA, LATHAM GP. New directions in goal-setting theory. Current Directions in Psycho-logical Science 2006; 15 (5): 265-68.
  23. PODLOG L, EKLUND RC. The psychosocial aspects of a return to sport following serious injury: a review of the literature from a self-determination perspective. Psychol Sport Exerc 2007; 8(4): 535-66.
  24. ARDERN CL, TAYLOR NF, FELLER JA, WEBSTER KE. A systematic review of the psychological factors associated with returning to sport following injury. Br J Sports Med 2013; 47(17): 1120-6.
  25. PODLOG L, EKLUND RC. Returning to competition after a serious injury: the role of self-determination. J Sports Sci 2010; 28(8): 819-31.
  26. BREWER, B.W. Coping with sport injuries: Psychological strategies for rehabilitation. New York (USA): Oxford University Press, 2001.
  27. WEBSTER KE, FELLER JA, LAMBROS C. Development and preliminary validation of a scale to measure the psychological impact of returning to sport following anterior cruciate ligament re-construction surgery. Phys Ther Sport 2008; 9(1): 9-15
  28. GEROMETTA A, KLOUCHE S, HERMAN S, LEFEVRE N, BOHU Y. The Shoulder Instability-Return to Sport after Injury (SIRSI): a valid and reproducible scale to quantify psychological readiness to return to sport after traumatic shoulder instability. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc 2018; 26(1): 203-1.
  29. CARSON F, POLMAN RCJ. Self-determined motivation in rehabilitating professional rugby union players. BMC Sports Sci Med Rehabil 2017; 18: 9:2.
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  35. VITALE F. Recupero e prevenzione dell’infortunio sportivo: una ricerca sul contributo della pra-tica mentale (imagery). Giornale Italiano di Psicologia dello Sport 2011;10: 42-7.
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  38. EVANS L, HARDY L. Injury rehabilitation: a qualitative follow-up study. Res Q Exercise Sport 2002; 73(3); 320-29.
  39. PODLOG L, EKLUND RC. High-level athletes’ perceptions of success in returning to sport following injury. Psychology of Sport and Exercise 2009; 10(5): 535-44
  40. CARSON F, POLMAN R. Experiences of professional rugby union players returning to competi-tion following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Physical Therapy in Sport 2012; 13: 35-40
  41. EVANS L, HARDY L. Injury rehabilitation: a goal-setting intervention study. Res Q Exercise Sport 2002; 73(3): 310-19.
  42. SANTI G, PIETRANTONI L. Psychology of sport injury rehabilitation: a review of models and in-terventions. J Hum Sports Exerc 2013; 8: 1029-44.