Syndromes of dysmorphogenesis: predictive value of general movements
published in January - February 2021 - in Il Fisioterapista - issue n.1
Giada Tomaselli, Elisabetta Chiodin, Eva Maria Gasser, Carla Naletto

Observing the quality of general movements has a high diagnostic and prognostic value as it enables one to evaluate the integrity of the central nervous system. In particular, the absence of fidgety movements correlates, with a high specificity and sensitivity, with the development of cerebral palsy. However, little research has focused on investigating atypical general movements in genetic disorders, or on clarifying their implications. The aim of this study was to evaluate the characteristics of general movements in three children affected, respectively, by Sotos, Simpson-Golabi-Behmel and Prader-Willi syndromes, conditions in which cerebral palsy does not usually play a part. The results obtained showed a variability in the characteristics of general movements in children with syndromes of dysmorphogenesis.