Organizational well-being: survey of physiotherapists working in a hospital
published in July - August 2020 - in Il Fisioterapista - issue n.4
Antonio Capodilupo, Claudia Scalmana

Organizational well-being is a “hot” topic in the scientific literature and an issue well known to legislators. But, despite the demonstration of its importance and usefulness for workers’ health and company productivity, a continuous and systematic monitoring of organizational well-being is still not routine. In addition, the technical tools developed to identify the spectrum of problems and the dashboard of possible solutions are not yet widely used. The studies are often limited and sectorial, as is the survey presented in this paper, which was carried out on physiotherapists working in a Hospital in the Region of Lazio. The survey, which was designed by the ANAC, revealed areas of light and shadow. The results will be presented to the management, to draw their attention to the problems and promote interventions for an improvement.