Frozen shoulder: positional therapy for connective tissue joint contractures
published in September - October 2020 - in Il Fisioterapista - issue n.5
Jochen Schomacher

Passive mobilization generally acts in an analgesic manner and can therefore have an effect even in the case of painful limitations of movement with a frozen shoulder. In this regard, the evidence in the literature for their efficacy - from weak to moderate – is not very clear. However, mobilization in manual therapy proves ineffective in the retraction of connective, capsular and extracapsular tissue, which develops in the case of frozen shoulder. This paper, in the light of an analysis of the literature, illustrates the causes of connective tissue retraction as well as its therapeutic options. In this regard, the daily duration of the treatment seems to be a decisive factor. In the studies, splint treatment is used. Postural maintenance represents perhaps a viable alternative and it is proposed as part of a treatment program for clinically significant connective tissue retractions.